M.Sc.Eng. Patryk Szymaszek
PhD student

Contact details:

10.2020 – obecnie
Cracow University of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Doctoral school

02.2020 – 07.2021
Cracow University of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Field of study: Chemical Technology
Specialization: Industrial and environmental analytics

10.2015 – 01.2019
Cracow University of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Field of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Industrial and environmental biotechnology

  • Fluorescent probes for biomolecules
  • Fluorescent probes for metal ions
  • Fluorescent probes for pH
  • Fluorescent probes for visualization of cellular structures
  • Fluorescent probes for monitoring polymerization processe


  • TANGO 2  pt. „Implementacja fotogeneratorów mocnych kwasów protonowych (PAG-s) opartych o innowacyjne molekuły akcelerujące do aplikacji w przemyśle fotoutwardzalnych powłok polimerowych”, numer umowy TANGO2/340229/NCBR/2017.
  • TEAM TECH pt.. „Molecular design, synthesis and application of photoinitiator-catalysts (PICs) for photopolymerization reactions”, numer umowy TEAM TECH/2016-2/15
  • Patents:
    • Patent application number: P.429090

    Priority date: 2019-02-27.

    Name of the invention: New derivatives of 4,6-diphenyl-pyridine-3-carbonitrile, methods for the preparation for 4,6-diphenyl-pyridine-3-carbonitrile derivatives

    • Patent application number: P.431041

    Priority date: 2019-09-04.

    Name of the invention: Nowe pochodne 3-(2-pirydylo)chromen-2-onu, sposobu ich wytwarzania i zastosowania, nowe związki pośrednie do wytwarzania nowych pochodnych 3-(2-pirydylo)chromen-2-onu, sposobu wytwarzania związków pośrednich oraz zastosowania związków pośrednich

    • Patent application number:431042

    Priority date:  2019-09-04

    Name of the invention: Nowe pochodne 3-(2-pirydylo)chromen-2-onu, sposobu ich wytwarzania i zastosowania oraz zastosowanie związków pośrednich


  • SILVER MEDAL at the International Innovation Fair PRO INVENT

Exhibition Date: 20-22.03.2019

Title of invention: „Imaging of structure in living cells using derivatives of 4,6-diphenyl-pyridine-3-carbonitrile in the role highly selective and sensitive molecular fluorescent chemosensors”


  • Bronze Medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations – INTARG POLSKA

Exhibition Date: 04-05.06.2019

Title of invention: „Wysoce selektywne i czułe sensory fluorescencyjne stanowiące pochodne 2-amino-4,6-difenylo-pirydyno-3-karbonitrylu dedykowane do wizualizacji struktur komórkowych”


  • Silver Medal at the International Warsaw Invention Show – IWIS 2019

Exhibition Date: 14-16.10.2018

Title of invention: „New high-performance fluorescent dyes for visualizing cell structures using fluorescence confocal”


  • III place during Students Science Clubs Contest, 23rd Polish Conference of Chemical and Process Engineering

Competition Date: 02.06.2019-05.06.2019

Title of the awarded project: „Study of the effect of pressure on the emission characteristics of luminescent sensors in polymeric coating materials”


  • StRuNa competition in the category of Scientific Club of the Year 2018, for the Scientific Club of Applied Photochemistry of the Cracow University of Technology

Competition Date: 18.11.2018


  • Minister’s scholarship for students for outstanding achievements for the academic year 2019/2020


  • Minister’s scholarship for students for outstanding achievements for the academic year 2020/2021
  • Fiedor P., Pilch M., Szymaszek P., Chachaj-Brekiesz A., Galek M., Ortyl J. Photochemical Study of a New Bimolecular Photoinitiating System for Vat Photopolymerization 3D Printing Techniques under Visible Light, Catalysts 2020, 10(3), 284. Impact factor: 3,444


  • Topa M., Petko F., Galek M., Machowski K., Pilch M., Szymaszek P., Ortyl J. Applicability of 1,6-Diphenylquinolin-2-one Derivatives as Fluorescent Sensors for Monitoring the Progress of Photopolymerisation Processes and as Photosensitisers for Bimolecular Photoinitiating Systems, Polymers 2019, 11(11), 1756. Impact Factor: 3,164


  • Szymaszek P., Fiedor P., Chachaj-Brekiesz A., Tyszka-Czochara M., Świergosz T., Ortyl J., Molecular interactions of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with pyridine derivatives as candidates for non-covalent protein probes: a spectroscopic investigation, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 347, 118262 Impact Factor: 6,633


  • Topa-Skwarczyńska M., Szymaszek P., Fiedor P., Chachaj-Brekiesz A., Galek M., Kasprzyk W., Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk P., Petko F., Pękala E., Tyszka-Czochara M., Bogdał D., Świergosz T., Popielarz R., Ortyl J., Pyridine derivatives as candidates for selective and sensitive fluorescent biosensors for lung cancer cell imaging and iron ions detection, Dyes and Pigments, 2022, 200, 110171, Impact Factor: 5,122


  • Tomal W., Szymaszek P., Bilut M., Popielarz R., Świergosz T., Ortyl J., meta-Terphenyls as versatile fluorescent molecular sensors for monitoring the progress of hybrid polymerization processes, 2022, 13(32), 4650, Impact Factor: 5,364


  • Szymaszek P., Środa P., Tyszka-Czochara M., Chachaj-Brekiesz A., Świergosz T., Ortyl J., Development of novel fluorescent probes to detect and quantify specific reactive oxygen species, 2023, 369, 120884, Impact Factor: 6,633