M.Sc.Eng. Patrycja Środa
PhD Student

Contact details:


Chemical Technology with a specialization in Polymer Technology – 2nd degree studies; Tadeusz Kościuszko University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology

Biotechnology with a specialization in Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology – 1st degree studies; Tadeusz Kościuszko University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology

Work Experience:

Member of the Scientific Society of the Cracow University of Technology (Applied Photochemistry Section)

Internship at the Department of Bromatology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Jagiellonian University Medical College

Student internship at the Department of Physicochemistry of Interfacial Phenomena at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University

Student internships at Photo HiTech sp. z.o.o.

Student internships at the Pharmaceutical Biochemistry Department at the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Jagiellonian University Medical College

More important certificates:

Certificate ,,Research and calibration laboratory accreditation – ISO 17025”

Language certificate ,,telc English B2’’

Certificate ,,Case Study Regulatory Documentation for medicinal and veterinary products” Education for Business & Science (EBS)

Certificate ,,Basic principles of Regulatory Affairs for medicinal products, veterinary products with elements of pharmacovigilance management” Education for Business & Science (EBS)

19.04.2016 Language certificate ,,Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz – Zweite Stufe ’’ B2/C1 level

  • fluorescent sensors
  • cytotoxicity assays
  • visualization of cell structures
  • two-component photoinitiating systems
  • photochemistry

Individual awards:

  • Minister’s Scholarship for academic achievements in academic year 2020/2021
  • The finalist title in the national competition “GOLD MEDAL OF CHEMISTRY 2020” for the best engineering work done in the academic year 2019/2020; (for the engineering work entitled: “Studies on the suitability of thiadiazole derivatives to the role of fluorescent dyes in fluorescence microscopy for live imaging of eukaryotic cells”)
  • First place in the Student Scientific Circles Session in the thematic section “Chemical Engineering, Polymer Technology, Biotechnology and Applied Photochemistry” for a presentation entitled: ,,Studies on the suitability of thiadiazole derivatives to the role of fluorescent dyes in fluorescence microscopy for live imaging of eukaryotic cells”

Team awards:

  • European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation 2020 (Gold medal)

Date: 21-23.05.2020

Place: Jassy, Rumunia

Type of exhibition: international

Title: “Fast-responsive and highly sensitive molecular fluorescent markers for imaging of structure in live-cell Dynamics and structure at the single-molecule level”

  • European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation 2020 (Gold medal)

Date: 21-23.05.2020

Place: Jassy, Rumunia

Type of exhibition: international

Title: “An ultrasensitive fluorescence sensors for the rapid and selective detection of heavy metal ions in drinking”

  • GOLD PRIZE – Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2020

Date: 23-25.10.2020

Place: Korea

Type of exhibition: international

Title: „Novel high-performance non-covalent fluorescent sensors for the detection of biomacromolecules in medical diagnosis”

  • SPECIAL PRIZE – Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2020

Date: 23-25.10.2020

Place: W Korea

Type of exhibition: international

Title: „Novel high-performance non-covalent fluorescent sensors for the detection of biomacromolecules in medical diagnosis”

Rozdział w monografii:

P. Środa, ,,Badania spektroskopowe pochodnych benzotiadiazolu do roli barwników fluorescencyjnych do zastosowań w bioobrazowaniu fluorescencyjnym komórek eukariotycznych”, [w:] Nauka i przemysł – metody spektroskopowe w praktyce, nowe wyzwania i możliwości, UMCS, Lublin 2020, ISBN 978-83-227-9369-5, pages 110-113