Maria Dera

Contact details:


2023 – Cracow University of Technology
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Field of Study: Chemical and Process Engineering

2019 – 2023 II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Króla Jana III Sobieskiego in Krakow
Class with a Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry profile

My interests include the use of substance properties for photopolymerization applied in 3D printing. I focus on studying the properties of fullerenes as well as the photoinitiating and photocatalytic properties of carbon dots. I conduct measurements using, among others, a spectrophotometer (absorbance and photolysis measurements) and a spectrofluorometer (emission and excitation measurements).

Research project OPUS 21 pt.”Emerging strategy approaches for the design and functionalization of carbon dots as multifunctional, dynamic, green systems photoinitiators and photocatalysts involved in photopolymerisation processes”