Contact details:
Joanna Ortyl is a Professor in the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology at Cracow University of Technology (Poland). She is also a CEO and Co-owner of Photo HiTech Ltd. (Cracow, Poland), which is specialized in the development and production of one component cationic photoinitiators working in visible light since 2013. She received her PhD degree in Chemistry (speciality Photochemistry) in 2012 from Cracow University of Technology. She worked as a post-doctoral researcher under Prof. Dr Thomas Jüstel at Müenster University of Applied Sciences in the Institute for Optical Technologies (Germany). She also completed a Master of Business Economics (MBE) course at Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley (USA). She worked as a Visiting Professor in Prof.Jacques Lalevée’s group in Institute de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse in2015, 2016, and 2019. Her research is always based on organic chemistry, photochemistry of small molecules as well as photochemistry of polymerization processes but always are correlated with practical application. She is an inventor on more than 30 patents, she has received more than 50 international and national awards for her research. She is a laureate of the Rector’s Award of the Cracow University of Technology for 2017, as well as a manager of scientific projects funded by the Foundation for Polish Science, the National Science Centre, or the National Centre for Research and Development (she was or is currently a manager of OPUS-NCN, OPUS LAP-NCN, Ventures-FNP, Sonata-NCN, Powroty-FNP, Lider-NCBiR, Team Tech-FNP, TANGO 2-NCBiR projects). She is a scientific supervisor of students and PhD students realizing their scientific projects such as Diamond Grant – MNiSW (3 projects), Prelude – NCN (4 projects).
ORCID: 0000-0002-4789-7199
Membership and service:
Scientific collaborations:
Current research interests: modern photochemical technologies, synthesis and characterization of photochemical and photophysical properties of initiators of polymerization initiated by ultraviolet and visible radiation, photochemistry and photophysics of spectroscopic probes. She conducts interdisciplinary scientific research activities in photochemistry, chemistry, materials engineering, chemical engineering, and cell biology.
Research topics include:
Summary of the research scope: polymer technology, polymer chemistry, photopolymerization, photochemistry, organic chemistry, applied photochemistry – 3D printing, printing, fluorescence spectroscopy, fluorescent sensors, monitoring of polymerization reaction kinetics by online and in-situ techniques, visualization of cell structures, the biology of eukaryotic cell in terms of labelling and spectroscopic monitoring of its vital functions.
TEAM-TECH Foundation for Polish Science
Contract number TEAM TECH / 2016-2 / 15
The nature of participation in the project: the project manager and the main contractor – Joanna Ortyl
Subject: Molecular design, synthesis and application of photoinitiator-catalysts (PICs) for photopolymerization reactions
Place of implementation: Cracow University of Technology.
Project implementation period: 01 III 2018-28 II 2021
Project implementation status: implemented
TANGO 2 – National Center for Research and Development
Contract number TANGO 2 – DZP / TANGO2 / 391 / 2016
The nature of participation in the project: the project manager and the main contractor – Joanna Ortyl
Subject: Implementation of photogenerators of strong proton acids (PAGs) based on Innovative acceleration molecules for applications in the industry of photocurable polymer coatings
Place of implementation: Cracow University of Technology.
Project duration: 01 IX 2017- 30 XI 2020
Project implementation status: implemented
BALTIC TRAM (Transnational Research Access in the Macroregion)
Baltic Tram is an international project whose aim is to strengthen links and cooperation between research institutions and the world of business. The project offered access to the most modern analytical research centers, consulted with experts in the field of analytical research, measurements of samples of materials at the micro, nano or molecular scale, and, as a result, obtaining technical and scientific knowledge about the properties of materials. The project was implemented in countries of the Baltic Sea region such as Poland, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.
The nature of participation in the project: project manager from Photo HiTech sp. O.o.
Place of implementation: Jagiellonian University – National Center for Synchrotron Radiation SOLARIS
Project implementation period: 01/05/2018- 31/12/2018
Project implementation status: completed
POWROTY of the Foundation for Polish Science
Contract number POWRTOTY / 2016-1 / 4
The nature of participation in the project: the project manager and the main contractor – Joanna Ortyl
Topic: Synthesis and photochemistry/photophysics studies of the intelligent luminescent molecular sensors for selective detection in biochemistry and chemistry
Place of implementation: Cracow University of Technology.
Project duration: 01 X 2016- 30 IX 2019
Project implementation status: implemented
MSCA Innovative Training Networks (ITN) – Operation of Marie Skłodowska-Curie in the Horizon 2020
program – PHOTO-EMULSION project
Contract number H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017
The character of participation in the project: partner organization in the consortium and scientific supervisor of two Ph.D. students in cooperation with the Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse, France, and Max Planck Institute für Polymerforschung, Mainz, Germany – Joanna Ortyl
Subject: Towards Next-generation Eco-efficient PHOTO and EMULSION Polymerisations Imparting Synergy
to Process, Products, and Applications Place of implementation: Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse, CNRS; Institut Charles Sadron, CNRS; POLYMAT, Universidad del Pais Vasco; Technische Universität Wien; Laboratory for Organic and Polymer Chemistry and Technology, Univerza Maribor; Karlsruher Institut für Technologie; Physikalisches Institute, Albert Ludwig Universität Freiburg; Max Planck Institute für Polymerforschung, Mainz; Photo HiTech Ltd.
Project duration: 01 IV 2018- 30 IX 2022
Project implementation status: implemented
INNOCHEM – National Center for Research and Development
Contract number POIR.01.02.00-00-0038 /16-00
The project under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, a priority I: SUPPORTING R & D WORK BY BUSINESSES, Measure 1.2: Sectoral R & D programs, sectoral program.
The nature of participation in the project: the project manager from the consortium and the main contractor – Joanna Ortyl
Subject: New generation of photoinitiators for photopolymerization processes dedicated to the film coating industry and adhesives
Place of realization: Photo HiTech sp. O.o. & Synthos S.A.
Project duration: 01 IV. 2017- 31 III 2019
Project implementation status: implemented
IMPULS SKILLS Foundation for Polish Science
Contract number IMPULS 138 / UD / SKILLS / 2015
The nature of participation in the project: the project manager and the main contractor – Joanna Ortyl
Subject: High-performance Bi-Molecular Photoinitiating Systems Based on Innovative Accelerating Molecules – Solution Dedicated to Photopolymerization Processes – proof of concept grant
Place of implementation: Cracow University of Technology. The period of the project implementation:
Project implementation status: completed
LEADER – National Center for Research and Development
Contract number LIDER 471 / L-4/2012
The nature of participation in the project: the project manager and the main contractor – Joanna Ortyl
Topic: Organic-inorganic luminescent chemical molecular sensors as a tool for monitoring and controlling photopolymerization processes on-line and off-line in the production of polymer coatings.
Place of implementation: Cracow University of Technology.
Project duration: 01.I. 2014- 31.XII.2016
Project implementation status: completed
SONATA 4, National Science Center
Contract number UMO-2012/07 / D / ST5 / 02300
The nature of participation in the project: the project manager and the main contractor – Joanna Ortyl
Subject: Synthesis of cationic photoinitiators and studies of the mechanistic aspects of photogeneration of strong proton acids in the processes of synergistic interaction of onium salts and photosensitizers or coinitiators.
Place of implementation: Cracow University of Technology.
Project implementation period: 01.VII. 2013-30.VII. 2018
Project implementation status: completed
OPUS 6, National Science Center
Contract number NR UMO-2013/11 / B / ST5 / 01281
Project manager: dr hab. Eng. Janina Kabatc;
The nature of participation in the project: the main contractor – Joanna Ortyl
Subject: New dye photopolymerization initiator systems in the visible light range.
Place: The University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz
Project implementation period: 2014 -2017;
Project implementation status: completed
Leader – National Center for Research and Development
Contract number LIDER 16/181 / L-3/2011
Project manager: dr inż. Krzysztof Kowalczyk (the West Pomeranian University of Technology, Faculty of Technology and Chemical Engineering).
The nature of participation in the project: the main contractor – Joanna Ortyl
Subject: Coating materials cross-linked with highly effective cationic photoinitiators using UV-LED technique
Project implementation period: 01.XII. 2012- 31.XII. 2015.
Project implementation status: completed
Iuventus Plus – No. IP2011 039471 Ministry of Science and Higher Education
The nature of participation in the project: the project manager and the main contractor – Joanna Ortyl
Subject: Design and synthesis of new molecular probes and photochemical tests of their suitability for monitoring photopolymerization processes using fluorescence spectroscopy
Project duration: IV. 2012- V. 2014.
Place of implementation: Cracow University of Technology.
Project implementation status: completed
The proof of concept grant in the grant program under the project “Innovation broker as a tool for effective
development of the modern Małopolska economy system” is implemented by the Lesser Poland
Voivodeship in cooperation with the Krakow Technology Park and the University of Economics under Priority VIII Regional staff of the POKL economy.
Project implementation period: November 18, 2013 – November 18, 2013.
Project implementation status: completed
Research program for Nuclear Research Institute (JINR) and research centers in Poland – 2012/2013.
Head: Dr. Kacper Drużbicki (Jagiellonian University);
The nature of participation in the project: the main contractor – Joanna Ortyl
Subject: Studies of the structure, phase transitions and dynamics in the series of inorganic phases and novel coumarin salts.
Project implementation period: X. 2012- VI. 2013.
Place of implementation: The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) – Dubna (Russia), Jagiellonian University and Cracow University of Technology.
Project implementation status: completed
Ventures – grant from the Foundation for Polish Science – 2009/2011
Contract number Ventures / 2009-3 / 7
The VENTURES program was implemented by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) as part of the Innovative Economy Operational Program 2007 – 2013. Priority I: “Research and development of modern technologies” under Type 1.2: “Strengthening the human resources potential of science”.
Project manager and contractor: Joanna Ortyl
Subject: Development of FPT (Fluorescence Probe Technology) technology for applications in polymer chemistry.
Project implementation period: July 2009 – October 2011.
Project implementation status: completed
Cracow University of Technology
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Laboratory of Photochemistry and Optical Spectroscopy
Warszawska 24
31-155 Cracow
Joanna Ortyl, Prof., Ph.D., DSc.
tel.: +48 (12) 628 31 36
Awarded for scientific and research activities that resulted in numerous publications, patents, utility models, invention projects and practical applications and industrial implementations, especially in the field of photochemistry – including photopolymerization processes in polymer systems and photochemical processes taking place in organic molecules. The award is a direct result of the TEAM TECH project co-financed by the Foundation for Polish Science.
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