Jakub Pietraszewski

Contact details:

2022-present; Cracow University of Technology – Chemical & Process Engineering


2019-2022; II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Jana Hetmana w Tarnowie – International Baccalaurate Diploma Programme

Jakub Pietraszewski studies Chemical and Process Engineering at the Cracow University of Technology, specializing in Process Engineering. Since 2023, he has been researching photopolymerization and 3D printing technologies in various scientific projects, focusing on the development of modern photosensitive materials and how to create them with various 3D VAT printing techniques. He is active in scientific research and popularization of knowledge, participating in workshops and chemistry demonstrations.

OPUS (20) LAP – 2020/39/I/ST5/03556

OPUS 21 – 2021/41/B/ST5/04533

LIDER XIII – LIDER13/0156/2022

Noworyta M., Topa-Skwarczyńska M., Starzak K., Pietraszewski J., Sitko M.,., Świeży A., Petko F., Ortyl J. (2024)  „7.2: Mechanism studies of new initiating systems for 3D printing of dental crowns and Bridges” EYEC 2024 (12 edycja, 10 wolumin)