Szymaszek P., Środa P., Tyszka-Czochara M., Chachaj-Brekiesz A., Świergosz T., Ortyl J., Development of novel fluorescent probes to detect and quantify specific reactive oxygen species, 2023, 369, 120884, https://doi.org/1016/j.molliq.2022.120884
Petko, F., Galek, M., Hola, E., Topa-Skwarczyńska, M., Tomal, W., Jankowska, M., Pilch, M., Popielarz, R., Graff, B., Morlet-Savary, F., Lalevee, J., Ortyl, J., Symmetric Iodonium Salts Based on Benzylidene as One-Component Photoinitiators for Applications in 3D Printing, Chem. Mater. 2022, 34 (22), 10077–10092. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c02796
Szymaszek P., Fiedor P., Chachaj-Brekiesz A., Tyszka-Czochara M., Świergosz T., Ortyl J., Molecular interactions of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with pyridine derivatives as candidates for non-covalent protein probes: a spectroscopic investigation, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 347, 118262, https://doi.org/1016/j.molliq.2021.118262
Tomal, W., Szymaszek, P., Bilut, M., Popielarz, R., Świergosz, T., Ortyl, J. (2022). Meta-Terphenyls as versatile fluorescent molecular sensors for monitoring the progress of hybrid polymerization processes. Polymer Chemistry, 13(32), 4650-4665. https://doi.org/10.1039/D2PY00525E
Topa-Skwarczyńska M., Świeży A., Krok D., Starzak K., Niezgoda P., Oksiuta B., Wałczyk W., Ortyl J.,
Novel Formulations Containing Fluorescent Sensors to Improve the Resolution of 3D Prints,
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23, http://10470. 10.3390/ijms231810470
Korčušková, M., Sevriugina, V., Ondreáš, F., Svatík, J., Tomal, W., Vishakha, V., Ortyl, J., Lepcio, P. (2022). Photoactivity, conversion kinetics, nanoreinforcement, post-curing, and electric/dielectric properties of functional 3D printable photopolymer resin filled with bare and alumina-doped ZnO nanoparticles. Polymer Testing, 107798. 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2022.107798
Tomal, W., Kiliclar, H. C., Fiedor, P., Ortyl, J., Yagci, Y. (2022). Visible Light Induced High Resolution and Swift 3D Printing System by Halogen Atom Transfer. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2200661, https://doi.org/10.1002/marc.202200661
Tomal, W., Ortyl, J. (2022). Influence of a non-reactive additive on the photocuring and 3D-VAT printing processes of PEGDA: complementary studies. European Polymer Journal, 111588, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2022.111588
Topa-Skwarczyńska, M., Szymaszek, P., Fiedor, P., Chachaj-Brekiesz, A., Galek, M., Kasprzyk, W., … & Ortyl, J. (2022). Pyridine derivatives as candidates for selective and sensitive fluorescent biosensors for lung cancer cell imaging and iron ions detection. Dyes and Pigments, 110171. https://doi.org/10.
Sawicz-Kryniger K., Niezgoda P., Stalmach P., Starzak K., Wysocka A., Świergosz T., Popielarz R., Performance of FPT, FTIR and DSC methods in cure monitoring of epoxy resins, European Polymer Journal, 162, 2022, 110933. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2021.110933
Szymaszek, P., Fiedor, P., Chachaj-Brekiesz, A., Tyszka-Czochara, M., Świergosz, T., & Ortyl, J. (2021). Molecular interactions of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with pyridine derivatives as candidates for non-covalent protein probes: a spectroscopic investigation. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 118262. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2021.118262
Tomal, W., Krok, D., Chachaj-Brekiesz, A., Lepcio, P., & Ortyl, J. (2021). Harnessing light to create functional, three-dimensional polymeric materials: multitasking initiation systems as the critical key to success. Additive Manufacturing, 48, 102447. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2021.102447
Wierzbicki S.; Mielczarek K.; Topa-Skwarczyńska M.; Mokrzyński K.; Ortyl J.; Bednarz S.; Visible light-induced photopolymerization of Deep Eutectic Monomers, based on methacrylic acid and tetrabutylammonium salts with different anion structures, European Polymer Journal, 2021, 161, 110836, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2021.110836
Topa-Skwarczyńska M.; Galek M.; Jankowska M.; Morlet-Savary F.; Graff B.; Lalevée J.; Popielarz R.; Ortyl J.; Development of the first panchromatic BODIPY-based one-component iodonium salts for initiating the photopolymerization processes, Polymer Chemistry, 2021, 12, 6873-6893, https://doi.org/10.1039/D1PY01263K
Hola E. Gruchała A., Popielarz R., Ortyl J., Non-destructive visual inspection of photocurable coatings based on fluorescent response of naked-eye visible colorimetric and fluorescent sensors, European Polymer Journal, 2021, 160, 110802, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2021.110802
Hola E.; Ortyl J.; Pyrylium salt as a visible-light-induced photoredox catalyst for polymer and organic synthesis – Perspectives on catalyst design and performance, European Polymer Journal, 2021, 150, 110365, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2021.110365
Topa M.; Chachaj-Brekiesz A; Świergosz Tomasz; Popielarz R.; Ortyl J., Emerging waste-free non-destructive system based on molecular sensors originating from novel europium complexes for in-situ determination of polymer coating thickness, Progress in Organic Coatings, 2021, 160, 106527. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.porgcoat.2021.106527
Topa M.; Petko F.; Galek M.; Jankowska M.; Popielarz R.; Ortyl J., Difunctional 1H-quinolin-2-ones as spectroscopic fluorescent probes for real-time monitoring of photopolymerisation process and photosensitizers of fluorescent photopolymer resin in 3D printing, European Polymer Journal 2021, 156, 110612. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2021.110612
Petko F.; Galek M.; Hola E.; Popielarz R.; Ortyl J. One-Component Cationic Photoinitiators from Tunable Benzylidene Scaffolds for 3D Printing Applications, Macromolecules 2021, 54, 7070. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.macromol.1c01048
Petko F.; Świeży A.; Ortyl J. Photoinitiating systems and kinetics of frontal photopolymerization processes – the prospects for efficient preparation of composites and thick 3D structures, Polymer Chemistry 2021; 12, 4593. https://doi.org/10.1039/D1PY00596K
Tomal W., Krok, D., Chachaj-Brekiesz A., Ortyl J. Beneficial stilbene-based derivatives: From the synthesis of new catalytic photosensitizer to 3D printouts and fiber-reinforced composites, European Polymer Journal, European Polymer Journal, 2021, 156, 110603. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2021.110603
Tomal, W.; Świergosz, T.; Pilch, M.; Kasprzyk, W.; Ortyl, J. New horizons for carbon dots: quantum nano-photoinitiating catalysts for cationic photopolymerization and three-dimensional (3D) printing under visible light, Polymer Chemistry, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1039/D1PY00228G
Pilch M.; Ortyl J.; Popielarz R. Quantitative interpretation of the response of Solvent-Quenched Pressure Sensitive Paints (SQ-PSPs) to pressure, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 2021, 177, 109233. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109233
Kasprzyk W.; Koper F.; Flis A.; Szreder D.; Pamuła E.; Bogdał D.; Wybraniec S.; Ortyl J.; Świergosz T. Fluorescence assay for the determination of glutathione based on a ring-fused 2-pyridone derivative in dietary supplements. Analysts, 2021, 146(6), 1897–1906. https://doi.org/10.1039/D0AN02245D
Tyszka-Czochara M.; Adach A.; Grabowski T.; Konieczny P.; Pasko P.; Ortyl J.; Świergosz T.; Majka M. Selective cytotoxicity of complexes with N,N,N-donor dipodal ligand in tumor cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 2021, 22(4), pp. 1–16, 1802. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22041802
Le C.M.Q.; Petitory T.; Wu X.; Spangenberg A.; Ortyl J.; Galek M.; Infante L.; Thérien-Aubin H.; Chemtob A. Water-soluble photoinitiators from dimethylamino-substituted monoacylphosphine oxide for hydrogel and latex preparation. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1002/macp.202100217
Hola E.; Pilch M.; Ortyl J.; Thioxanthone derivatives as a new class of organic photocatalysts for photopolymerisation processes and the 3D printing of photocurable resins under visible light, Catalysts, 2020, 10(8), pp. 1–28, 903, https://doi.org/10.3390/catal10080903
Topa M.; Ortyl J., Moving Towards a Finer Way of Light-Cured Resin-Based Restorative Dental Materials: Recent Advances in Photoinitiating Systems Based on Iodonium Salts, Materials 2020, 13, 4093. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13184093
Hola E.; Topa M.; Chachaj-Brekiesz A.; Pilch M.; Fiedor P.; Galek M.; Ortyl J. New, highly versatile bimolecular photoinitiating systems for free-radical, cationic and thiol–ene photopolymerization processes under low light intensity UV and visible LEDs for 3D printing application. RSC Advances 2020, 10, 7509-7522. https://doi.org/10.1039/C9RA10212D
Topa M.; Petko F; Galek M.; Ortyl J. Double role of diphenylpyridine derivatives as fluorescent sensors for monitoring photopolymerization and the determination of the efficiencies of the generation of superacids by cationic photoinitiators, Sensors, 2020, 20, 3043. Impact Factor: 3.031. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20113043
Tomal, W.; Ortyl, J. Water-Soluble Photoinitiators in Biomedical Applications. Polymers 2020, 12, 1073. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym12051073
Hola E.; Ortyl J.; Jankowska M.; Pilch M.; Galek M.; Morlet-Savary F.; Graff B.; Dietlin C.; Lalevée J. New bimolecular photoinitiating systems based on terphenyl derivatives as highly efficient photosensitizers for 3D printing application. Polymer Chemistry 2020, 11(4), 922-935, https://doi.org/10.1039/C9PY01551E
Tomal W., Chachaj-Brekiesz A., Popielarz R., Ortyl J. Multifunctional Biphenyl Derivatives as Photosensitisers in Various Types of Photopolymerization Processes, Including IPN Formation, 3D Printing of Photocurable Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) Fluorescent Composites, RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 32162-32182, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0RA04146G
Tomal W., Pilch M., Chachaj-Brekiesz A., Galek M., Morlet-Savary F., Dietlin C., Lalevée J., Ortyl J. Photoinitiator-Catalyst Systems Based on Meta-Terphenyl Derivatives as Photosensitisers of Iodonium and Thianthrenium Salts for Visible Photopolymerization in 3D Printing Processes. Polymer Chemistry, 2020, 11, 4604-4621. https://doi.org/10.1039/D0PY00597E
Hola E.; Pilch M.; Galek M.; Ortyl J. New versatile bimolecular photoinitiating systems based on amino-m-terphenyl derivatives for cationic, free-radical and thiol–ene photopolymerization under low intensity UV-A and visible light sources. Polymer Chemistry 2020, 11(2), 480 – 495. https://doi.org/10.1039/C9PY01091B
Fiedor P.; Ortyl J. A new approach to micromachining: High-precision and innovative additive manufacturing solutions based on photopolymerization technology. Materials 2020, 13(13), 1–25, 2951. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13132951
Fiedor P.; Pilch M.; Szymaszek P.; Chachaj-Brekiesz A.; Galek M.; Ortyl J. Photochemical study of a new bimolecular photoinitiating system for vat photopolymerization 3D printing techniques under visible light. Catalysts, 2020, 10(3), 284. https://doi.org/10.3390/catal10030284
Pilch M.; Ortyl J.; Chachaj-Brekiesz A.; Galek M.; Popielarz R. Europium-based luminescent sensors for mapping pressure distribution on surfaces. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 2020, 305, 127409. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2019.127409
Drobnicka N.; Sutor K.; Kumorkiewicz-Jamro A.; Spórna-Kucab A.; Antonik M.; Dziedzic E.; Świergosz T.; Ortyl J.; Wybraniec S.Phytochemical molecules from the decarboxylation of gomphrenins in violet Gomphrena globosa L.—Floral infusions from functional food. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21, 8834, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21228834
Topa M.; Hola E.; Galek M.; Petko F.; Pilch M.; Popielarz R.; Morlet-Savary F.; Graff B.; Lalevée J.; Ortyl J. One-component cationic photoinitiators based on coumarin scaffold iodonium salts as highly sensitive photoacid generators for 3D printing IPN photopolymers under visible LED sources. Polymer Chemistry, 2020, 11, 5261-5278. https://doi.org/10.1039/D0PY00677G
Topa M.; Petko F.; Galek M.; Machowski K.; Pilch M.; Szymaszek P.; Ortyl J. Applicability of 1,6-diphenylquinolin-2-one derivatives as fluorescent sensors for monitoring the progress of photopolymerisation processes and as photosensitisers bimolecular photoinitiating systems. Polymers 2019, 11(11), 1756 – 1778. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym11111756
Ortyl J.; Topa M.; Kamińska-Borek I.; Popielarz R. Mechanism of interaction of aminocoumarins with reaction medium during cationic photopolymerization of triethylene glycol divinyl ether, European Polymer Journal 2019, 116, 45-55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2019.03.060
Tomal, W.; Pilch, M.; Chachaj-Brekiesz, A.; Ortyl, J. Development of New High-Performance Biphenyl and Terphenyl Derivatives as Versatile Photoredox Photoinitiating Systems and Their Applications in 3D Printing Photopolymerization Processes. Catalysts 2019, 9, 827. https://doi.org/10.3390/catal9100827
Ortyl J.; Fiedor P.; Chachaj-Brekiesz A.; Pilch M.; Hola E.; Galek M. The Applicability of 2-amino-4,6-diphenyl-pyridine-3-carbonitrile sensors for monitoring different types of photopolymerization processes and acceleration of cationic and free-radical photopolymerization under near UV light. Sensors, 2019, 19, 1668, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19071668
Nowak D.; Ortyl J.; Kamińska-Borek I.; Kukuła K.; Topa M.; Popielarz R. Photopolymerization of hybrid monomers, part II: Determination of relative quantum efficiency of select, Polymer Testing 2018, 67, 144-150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2018.02.025
Topa M.; Ortyl J.; Chachaj-Brekiesz A.; Kamińska-Borek I.; Pilch M.; Popielarz R. Applicability of samarium(III) complexes for the role of luminescent molecular sensors for monitoring progress of photopolymerization processes and control of the thickness of polymer coatings, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2018, 199, 430-440. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2018.03.050
Nowak D.; Ortyl J.; Kamińska-Borek I.; Kukuła K.; Topa M.; Popielarz R. Photopolymerization of hybrid monomers, part I: Comparison of the performance of selected photoinitiators in cationic and free-radical polymerization of hybrid monomers, Polymer Testing, 2017, 64, 313-320. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2017.10.020
Kostrzewska K.; Ortyl J.; Dobosz R.; Kabatc J. Squarylium dye and onium salts as highly sensitive photoradical generators for blue light. Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 8, 3464-3474. https://doi.org/10.1039/C7PY00621G
Kabatc J.; Ortyl J.; Kostrzewska K. New kinetic and mechanistic aspects of photosensitization of iodonium salts in photopolymerization of acrylates. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 41619-41629. 10.1039/C7RA05978G
Mousawi A.; Dietlin C.; Graff B.; Morlet-Savary F.; Toufaily J.; Hamieh T.; Fouassier J.P.; Chachaj-Brekiesz A.; Ortyl J.; Lalevée J. Meta-terphenyl derivative/iodonium salt/9H-carbazole-9-ethanol photoinitiating systems for free radical promoted cationic polymerization upon visible lights Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 217, 1955-1965. https://doi.org/10.1002/macp.201600224
Kamińska I.; Ortyl J.; Popielarz R. Mechanism of interaction of coumarin-based fluorescent molecular probes with polymerizing medium during free radical polymerization of a monomer. Polymer Testing, 2016, 55, 310-317. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2016.09.013
Ortyl J.; Czarna M.; Kamińska-Borek I.; Popielarz R. Spektroskopowe badania przydatności pochodnych imidazo[1,2-a]-pirydyny do monitorowania procesów fotopolimeryzacji przy wykorzystaniu czujników fluorescencyjnych. Przemysł Chemiczny, 2016, 95, 2085-2093. 10.15199/62.2016.10.48
Czarna M.; Ortyl J. Synteza pochodnych hydroksy-2H-1-benzopiran-2-onu w polu promieniowania mikrofalowego oraz w warunkach ogrzewania konwencjonalnego. Chemik : nauka – technika – rynek = Chemik : science – technique – market, 2015, 69, 297-306.
Mokbel H.; Toufaily J.; Hamieh T.; Dumur F.; Campolo D.; Gigmes D.; Fouassier J.P.; Ortyl J.; Lalevée J. Specific cationic photoinitiators for near UV and visible LEDs: Iodonium versus ferrocenium structures. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132, 42759, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1002/app.42759
Kukuła K.; Kamińska I.; Ortyl J.; Chachaj-Brekiesz A. Molekularne sondy fluorescencyjne w biologii, biochemii i biotechnologii. Technical Issues, 2015, 4, 19-25.
Czarna M.; Kamińska I.; Ortyl J. Pochodne kumaryny do roli molekularnych sensorów fluorescencyjnych do zastosowań w naukach life science. Technical Issues, 2015, 4, 3-10.
Pudo A.; Kamińska I.; Ortyl J. Pochodne kumaryny jako molekularne sensory fluorescencyjne stosowane do monitorowania procesów fotopolimeryzacji. Technical Issues, 2015, 1, 47-53.
Kiklica E.; Kamińska I.; Ortyl J. Synteza oraz badania spektroskopowe niesymetrycznych pochodnych soli diarylojodoniowych. Technical Issues, 2015, 1, 30-37.
Czarna M.; Kamińska I.; Ortyl J. Właściwości i zastosowanie pochodnych 2H-1-benzopiran-2-onu jako związków pochodzenia naturalnego. Technical Issues, 2015, 3, 11-17.
Kamińska I.; Ortyl J.; Popielarz R. Przydatność techniki fluorescence probe technology do monitorowania przebiegu fotoutwardzania w czasie rzeczywistym kompozycji stomatologicznych. Inżynieria Stomatologiczna – Biomateriały, 2015, 14-17
Ortyl J.; Wilamowski J.; Milart P.; Galek M.; Popielarz R. Relative sensitization efficiency of fluorescent probes/sensitizers for monitoring and acceleration of cationic photopolymerization of monomers. Polymer Testing, 2015, 48, 151-159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2015.10.006
Kamińska I.; Ortyl J.; Popielarz R. Applicability of quinolizino-coumarins for monitoring free radical photopolymerization by fluorescence spectroscopy. Polymer Testing, 2015, 42, 99-107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2014.12.013
Ortyl J.; Galica M.; Popielarz R.; Bogdał D. Application of a carbazole derivative as a spectroscopic fluorescent probe for real time monitoring of cationic photopolymerization. Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 2014, 16, 75-80. 10.2478/pjct-2014-0013
Czech Z.; Kowalczyk A.; Ortyl J.; Świderska J. Acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives containing SiO2 nanoparticles. Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 2013, 15, 12-14. 10.2478/pjct-2013-0003
Ortyl J.; Milart P.; Popielarz R. Applicability of aminophthalimide probes for monitoring and acceleration of cationic photopolymerization of epoxides. Polymer Testing, 2013, 32, 708-715. 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2013.03.009
Ortyl J.; Popielarz R. The performance of 7-hydroxycoumarin-3-carbonitrile and 7-hydroxycoumarin-3-carboxylic acid as fluorescent probes for monitoring of cationic photopolymerization processes by FPT. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 129, 1974-1978. https://doi.org/10.1002/app.38378
Ortyl J.; Galek M.; Milart P.; Popielarz R. Aminophthalimide probes for monitoring of cationic photopolymerization by fluorescence probe technology and their effect on the polymerization kinetics. Polymer Testing, 2012, 31, 466-473. 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2012.01.008
Ortyl J.; Popielarz R. Jednoreaktorowe metody syntezy soli diarylojodoniowych. Technical Transactions. Chemistry = Czasopismo Techniczne. Chemia, 2012, 119-128
Ortyl J.; Sawicz-Kryniger K.; Popielarz R. Mechanizm działania sondy fluorescencyjnej Coumarin 1
w technologii FPT. Przemysł Chemiczny, 2011, 90, 1370-1378
Czech Z.; Kowalski A.; Kłos M.; Ortyl J. Synthesis and modification of biodegradable pressure-sensitive adhesives based on acrylic. Aparatura Badawcza i Dydaktyczna : ABiD, 2011, 16, 7-12.
Czech Z.; Ortyl J.; Madejska E.; Kowalski A. Zastosowanie UV w technologii klejów
i materiałów samoprzylepnych. Tworzywa Sztuczne w Przemyśle, 2011, 1, 44-49
Czech Z.; Głuch U.; Kowalski A.; Ortyl J. Sieciowalne promieniowaniem UV samoprzylepne kleje poliakrylanowe zawierające s-triazyny, Elastomery, 2011, 15, 3-8.
Ortyl J.; Sawicz-Kryniger K.; Galek M.; Popielarz R. Monitorowanie przebiegu fotopolimeryzacji kationowej przy użyciu pochodnych stilbenu jako sond fluorescencyjnych. Przemysł Chemiczny, 2010, 89, 1642-1646.
Sawicz K.; Ortyl J.; Popielarz R. Chemiczne znakowanie materiałów polimerowych na bazie żywic poliestrowych i akrylowych. Technical Transactions. Chemistry = Czasopismo Techniczne. Chemia, 2010, 291-297.
Sawicz K.; Ortyl J.; Popielarz R. Applicability of 7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin for cure monitoring and marking of epoxy resins. Polimery, 2010, 55, 539-544.
Ortyl J.; Sawicz K.; Popielarz R. Monitorowanie syntezy poliuretanu metodą FPT. Technical Transactions. Chemistry = Czasopismo Techniczne. Chemia, 2010, 1, 233-242.
Ortyl J.; Sawicz K.; Popielarz R. Performance of amidocoumarins as probes for monitoring of cationic photopolymerization of monomers by fluorescence probe technology. Journal of Polymer Science. Part A, Polymer Chemistry, 2010, 48, 4522-4528. https://doi.org/10.1002/pola.24243
Sawicz K.; Ortyl J.; Popielarz R. Nowe sondy fluorescencyjne do monitorowania procesu utwardzania żywic epoksydowych. Technical Transactions. Chemistry = Czasopismo Techniczne. Chemia, 2009, 1, 119-126.
Ortyl J.; Sawicz K.; Popielarz R. Ocena przydatności pochodnych ftalimidu do monitorowania fotopolimeryzacji kationowej metodą FPT. Technical Transactions. Chemistry = Czasopismo Techniczne. Chemia, 2009, 1, 67-73.
Ortyl J.; Sawicz K.; Popielarz R. Monitorowanie procesu utwardzania żywic epoksydowych za pomocą sondy fluorescencyjnej. Technical Transactions. Chemistry = Czasopismo Techniczne. Chemia, 2008, 1, 65-74
Brown medal at Arca – 20th International Innovation Exhibition 2024, 14.10.2024, Zagrzeb, Chorwacja, for the invention titled “Apparatus solutions for adapting a Raman spectrometer to study the progress of the photopolymerization process in the environment of aqueous electrolyte solutions for the development of an innovative photocurable resin for 3D printing of metal-polymer hybrid parts using electrodeposition and photopolymerization processes.”
Authors: Dawid Kiesiewicz, Bartosz Oksiuta, Joanna Ortyl, Maciej Pilch
Silver medal at Arca – 20th International Innovation Exhibition 2024, 14.10.2024, Zagrzeb, Chorwacja, for the invention titled “Obtaining polymer nanocomposites by 3D-VAT printing with improved mechanical properties using innovative photoinitiating systems”
Authors: Filip Petko, Martyna Sitko, Kamil Pulit, Kasidid Yaemsunthorn, Klaudia Trembecka – Wójciga
Silver medal at Arca – 20th International Innovation Exhibition 2024, 14.10.2024, Zagrzeb, Chorwacja, for the invention titled “Quantum nano-photoinitiating catalysts based on carbon dots for photopolymerization and three-dimensional (3D) printing”
Authors: Agnieszka Sysło, Małgorzata Kowalewska, Aneta Pietraszek, Myong Joon Oh, Wiktor Kasprzyk, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at Arca – 20th International Innovation Exhibition 2024, 14.10.2024, Zagrzeb, Chorwacja, for the invention titled “Highly porous ceramic materials mimicking bone tissue fabricated by 3D printing DLP”
Authors: Klaudia Trembecka-Wójciga, Magdalena Jankowska, Weronika Wałczyk, Joanna Ortyl
Silver medal at Arca – 20th International Innovation Exhibition 2024, 14.10.2024, Zagrzeb, Chorwacja, for the invention titled “High-resolution dental prosthetics obatined using high-performance cationic resins dedicated for additive manufacturing applications such as photocurable 3D printing”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Katarzyna Starzak, Andrzej Świeży, Patryk Szymaszek, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at Arca – 20th International Innovation Exhibition 2024, 14.10.2024, Zagrzeb, Chorwacja, for the invention titled “Temporary dental materials such as crowns and bridges manufactured using photocurable 3D printing methods”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Katarzyna Starzak, Magdalena Jankowska, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at ICAN – International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada 2024, 24.08.2024, Toronto, Kanada, for the invention titled “New generation, non-toxic, antibacterial resins dedicated to the dental industry for obtaining temporary crowns and bridges through photo-cured 3D printing”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Magdalena Jankowska, Katarzyna Starzak, Joanna Ortyl
Silver medal at ICAN – International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada 2024, 24.08.2024, Toronto, Kanada, for the invention titled “Light-curing resin with bimodal zirconium oxide nanoparticles for high-resolution 3D printing of bio-inspired ceramic bone scaffolds”
Authors: Klaudia Trembecka-Wójciga, Magdalena Jankowska, Weronika Wałczyk, Joanna Ortyl
Silver medal at KIWIE – Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2024, 22.06.2024, Seul, Korea Południowa, for the invention titled “Innovative acrylate photocurable compositions dedicated to 3D printing in an aqueous electrolyte solution environment for the development of a new technology for 3D printing of metal-polymer hybrid parts.”
Authors: Dawid Kiesiewicz, Bartosz Oksiuta, Joanna Ortyl, Maciej Pilch
Silver medal at KIWIE – Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2024, 22.06.2024, Seul, Korea Południowa, for the invention titled “High-performance cationic resins processed by additive manufacturing for advanced dental prosthetic”
Authors: Katarzyna Starzak, Andrzej Świeży, Mariusz Galek, Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Joanna Ortyl
Silver medal at INVENT ARENA – International inventors exhibition 2024, 13.06.2024, Trinec, Czechy, for the invention titled “Resin densely packed with nanoparticles for 3D-VAT printing of high-resolution objects”
Authors: Klaudia Trembecka-Wójciga, Magdalena Jankowska, Weronika Wałczyk, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at INVENT ARENA – International inventors exhibition 2024, 13.06.2024, Trinec, Czechy, for the invention titled “Photo-curable 3D printing as a promising alternative to conventionally cured temporary materials for dental crowns and bridges”
Authors: Małgorzata Noworyta Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska Karolina Kozanecka Weronika Wielgus Filip Petko Joanna Ortyl
Silver medal at INVENT ARENA – International inventors exhibition 2024, 13.06.2024, Trinec, Czechy, for the invention titled “Highly conductive polymeric solid ionic electrolytes produced by photopolymerization and 3D printing”
Authors: Dominika Krok – Janiszewska, Andrzej Świeży, Filip Petko, Mariusz Galek, Joanna Ortyl, Roman Popielarz
Silver medal at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “ Innovative photosensitive resin with ceramic nanoparticles for precision 3D printing of bone implants”
Authors: Klaudia Trembecka-Wójciga, Magdalena Jankowska, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled „Innovative multi-material 3D printer dedicated to the production of metal-polymer hybrid components using electro-deposition and photopolymerization processes”
Authors: Dawid Kiesiewicz, Bartosz Oksiuta, Joanna Ortyl, Maciej Pilch
Gold medal at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “Innovative formulations of acrylate photo-curable resins for 3D printing in an aqueous electrolyte solution environment, dedicated to 3D printing polymer parts of metal-polymer hybrid parts.”
Authors: Dawid Kiesiewicz, Bartosz Oksiuta, Joanna Ortyl, Maciej Pilch
Silver medal at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “ Exploring the advantages and applications of nanocomposites produced via vat photopolymerization in additive manufacturing”
Authors: Magdalena Jankowska, Małgorzata Noworyta, Kacper Piskorz, Aleksandra Barczyk, Weronika Wielgus, Paweł Niezgoda, Aneta Pietraszek, Joanna Ortyl
Award of the Minister of Science at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024 – Invention Exchange, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “Innovative porous ceramic materials printed in the DLP technique with the use of high – performance photochemical initiators dedicated to integration with bone tissue”
Authors: Kaludia Trembecka – Wójciga, Magdalena Jankowska, Jaonna Ortyl
Award of the Minister of Science at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024 – Invention Exchange, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “New high-performance photo-curable resins for obtaining graphene oxide-based polymer composites”
Authors: Magdalena Jankowska, Klaudia Trembecka – Wójciga, Małgorzata Noworyta, Weronika Wałczyk, Kacper Piskorz, Aleksandra Barczyk, Filip Petko, Andrzej Świeży, Joanna Ortyl
Award of the Minister of Science at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024 – Invention Exchange, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “Innovative two-component luminescent sensor systems for real-time monitoring of chemical reaction process parameters for optimization of production line operation in the coating industry”
Authors: Dawid Kiesiewicz, Paweł Jamróz, Małgorzata Noworyta, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Maciej Pilch, Joanna Ortyl
Award of the Minister of Science at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024 – Invention Exchange, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “New photocatalytic systems for obtaining polymer nanocomposites in 3D VAT printing technologies”
Authors: Magdalena Jankowska, Joanna Ortyl, Małgorzata Noworyta, Weronika Wałczyk, Bartosz Oksiuta
Award of the Minister of Science at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024 – Invention Exchange, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “Carbon dots – novel, eco-friendly nanomaterials as components of high-performance photoinitiating systems dedicated to the development of hydrogel polymeric materials in 3D VAT technology”
Authors: Dominika Krok, Joanna Ortyl
Award of the Minister of Science at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024 – Invention Exchange, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “Non-toxic light-cured new generation dental fillings with low polymerization shrinkage”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Małgorzata Tyszka-Czochara, Patrycja Środa, Weronika Wielgus, Joanna Ortyl
Award of the Minister of Science at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024 – Invention Exchange, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “New fluorescent probe for detection and quantification of specific reactive oxygen species”
Authors: Patryk Szymaszek, Patrycja Środa, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Małgorzata Tyszka-Czochara, Joanna Ortyl
Award of the Minister of Science at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024 – Invention Exchange, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “The innovative eco-friendly initiating systems enriched with non-toxic nitrogen doped carbon dots for 3D printing applications”
Authors: Dominika Krok – Janiszewska, Agnieszka Sysło, Karolina Gałuszka, Wiktor Kasprzyk, Joanna Ortyl
Diamond award at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled „Photo-curable cationic resins for high-resolution 3D printing of prosthetic materials for advanced dentistry”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Katarzyna Starzak, Patryk Szymaszek, Joanna Ortyl
WIPO National Award for Creativity at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled „Photo-curable cationic resins for high-resolution 3D printing of prosthetic materials for advanced dentistry”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Katarzyna Starzak, Patryk Szymaszek, Joanna Ortyl
The Future Industry Platform Foundation Award at XVII Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024, 23.05.2024, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “Innovative multi-material 3D printer dedicated to the production of metal-polymer hybrid components using electro-deposition and photopolymerization processes”
Authors: Dawid Kiesiewicz, Bartosz Oksiuta, Joanna Ortyl, Maciej Pilch
Brown medal at International Warsaw Invention Show IWIS 2023, 14.11.2023, Warszawa, Poland, for the invention titled “Novel, non-toxic dental composites with low polymerisation shrinkage”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Małgorzata Noworyta, Filip Petko, Andrzej Świeży, Weronika Wałczyk, Małgorzata Tyszka – Czochara, Patrycja Środa, Weronika Wielgus, Joanna Ortyl
Brown medal at International Warsaw Invention Show IWIS 2023, 14.11.2023, Warszawa, Poland, for the invention titled “3D printing using photocurable resins in a water environment”
Authors: Maciej Pilch, Dawid Kiesiewicz, Małgorzata Noworyta, Paweł Jamróz, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at International Warsaw Invention Show IWIS 2023, 14.11.2023, Warszawa, Poland, for the invention titled “The innovative eco-friendly initiating systems enriched with non-toxic nitrogen doped carbon dots for 3D printing applications”
Authors: Dominika Krok – Janiszewska, Agnieszka Sysło, Karolina Gałuszka, Wiktor Kasprzyk, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at International Warsaw Invention Show IWIS 2023, 14.11.2023, Warszawa, Poland, for the invention titled “Innovative porous ceramic materials printed in the DLP technique with the use of high – performance photochemical initiators dedicated to integration with bone tissue”
Authors: Kaludia Trembecka – Wójciga, Magdalena Jankowska, Jaonna Ortyl
Gold medal at International Warsaw Invention Show IWIS 2023, 14.11.2023, Warszawa, Poland, for the invention titled “New high-performance photo-curable resins dedicated to 3D-VAT printing processes of polymer nanocomposites based on photopolymerization processes”
Authors: Magdalena Jankowska, Klaudia Trembecka – Wójciga, Małgorzata Noworyta, Weronika Wałczyk, Kacper Piskorz, Aleksandra Barczyk, Filip Petko, Andrzej Świeży, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at XVI Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2023, 23.05.2023, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “ New fluorescent probe for detection and quantification of specific reactive oxygen species”
Authors: Patryk Szymaszek, Patrycja Środa, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Małgorzata Tyszka-Czochara, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at XVI Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2023, 23.05.2023, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled „New photocatalytic systems for obtaining polymer nanocomposites in 3D VAT printing technologies”
Authors: Magdalena Jankowska, Joanna Ortyl, Małgorzata Noworyta, Weronika Wałczyk, Bartosz Oksiuta
Gold medal at XVI Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2023, 23.05.2023, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “Carbon dots – novel, eco-friendly nanomaterials as components of high-performance photoinitiating systems dedicated to the development of hydrogel polymeric materials in 3D VAT technology”
Authors: Dominika Krok, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at XVI Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2023, 23.05.2023, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled “Innovative two-component luminescent sensor systems for real-time monitoring of chemical reaction process parameters for optimization of production line operation in the coating industry”
Authors: Dawid Kiesiewicz, Paweł Jamróz, Małgorzata Noworyta, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Maciej Pilch, Joanna Ortyl
Silver medal at XVI Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2023, 23.05.2023, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled „Fabrication of 3D cell culture capsules using novel water-soluble free radical photoinitiators”
Authors: Wiktoria Tomal, Andrzej Świeży, Filip Petko, Joanna Ortyl
Platinium award at XVI Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2023, 23.05.2023, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled „Non-toxic light-cured new generation dental fillings with low polymerization shrinkage”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Małgorzata Tyszka-Czochara, Patrycja Środa, Weronika Wielgus, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at International Warsaw Invention Show IWIS 2022, 18.10.2022, Warszwa, Poland, for the invention titled “New High Efficient One-Component Iodonium Photoinitiators for 3D-Printing Applications”
Authors: Filip Petko, Andrzej Świeży, Patryk Szymaszek, Małgorzata Noworyta, Bartosz Oksiuta, Joanna Ortyl
Silver medal at KIWIE-Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition, 25.08.2022 – 27.08.2022 Seul, Korea for the invention titled „New effective photoinitiating systems and new resins dedicated to next-generation dental restorations”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Joanna Ortyl
Silver medal at KIWIE-Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition, 25.08.2022 – 27.08.2022 Seul, Korea for the invention titled „3D printing of high – resolution objects from novel photo – curable resins using efficient photoinitiating systems for radical and cationic polymerization processes”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Małgorzata Noworyta, Weronika Wałczyk, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at IWIS 2022, 18.10.2022, Warsaw, Poland, for the invention titled „First panchromatic bodipy-based one-component iodonium salts exhibiting absorption in the 400-600 nm spectral range for cationic photopolymerization for dental and 3d printing industries”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Magdalena Jankowska, Małgorzata Noworyta, Joanna Ortyl
Silver medal at IWIS 2022, 18.10.2022, Warsaw, Poland, for the invention titled „Visible light-curing dental polymer composites characterised by reduced polymerization shrinkage”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Andrzej Świeży, Bartosz Oksiuta, Małgorzata Noworyta, Joanna Ortyl
Gold and gold medal IFIA at Jubileuszowe XV Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG® 2022, 11.05.2022 – 12.05.2022, Spodek, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled „ Breakthrough for tomorrow’s dentistry: Completely safe, the new generation of light-curing dental composites, free of toxic substances and with reduces polymerization shrinkage”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Małgorzata Noworyta, Weronika Właczyk, Joanna Ortyl
Platinum award at Jubileuszowe XV Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG® 2022, 11.05.2022 – 12.05.2022, Spodek, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled „ Breakthrough for tomorrow’s dentistry: Novel fluorescent molecular sensors as multitasking molecules for cell imaging and metal detection”
Authors: Monika Topa-Skwarczyńska, Małgorzata Noworyta, Weronika Wałczyk, Patryk Szymaszek, Patrycja Środa, Tomasz Świergosz, Małgorzata Tyszka-Czochara, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at 19th International Innovation Exhibition ARCA 2021, 16.11.2021, Zagreb, Croatia, for the invention titled “Photo-catalyst systems based on biphenyl derivatives for rapid prototyping technology using 3D-DLP technique”
Authors: Dominika Krok, Wiktoria Tomal, Joanna Ortyl, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz
Silver medal at 19th International Innovation Exhibition ARCA 2021, 16.11.2021, Zagreb, Croatia, for the invention titled “Sensitive and rapid fluorescent detection of metal ions in water”
Authors: Joanna Ortyl, Patryk Szymaszek, Paweł Stalmach, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Filip Petko, Andrzej Świeży, Paweł Fiedor
Bronze medal at 19th International Innovation Exhibition ARCA 2021, 16.11.2021, Zagreb, Croatia, for the invention titled “New photoinitiating systems applied in photopolymerization processes to obtain polymeric materials of hydrogel consistency”
Authors: Katarzyna Starzak, Wiktoria Tomal, Joanna Ortyl
Silver medal at 19th International Innovation Exhibition ARCA 2021, 16.11.2021, Zagreb, Croatia, for the invention titled “New photoredox catalysts based on anthracene derivatives for free-radical and hybrid photosensitive resins for 3D printing technology”
Autozry: Paweł Niezgoda, Magdalena Jankowska, Joanna Ortyl, Filip Petko, Andrzej Świeży
Silver medal at International Warsaw Invention Show (IWIS 2021), 27.10.2021, Warsaw, for the invention titled “Fluorescent molecular chemosensors for detection and measurement of metal ions in living systems”
Authors: Joanna Ortyl, Patryk Szymaszek, Paweł Stalmach, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz
Silver medal at International Warsaw Invention Show (IWIS 2021), 27.10.2021, Warsaw, for the invention titled “The new photocatalytic initiators for the visible light photopolymerization processes of cationic, free-radical and hybrid-photopolymerization for 3D printing application”
Authors: Joanna Ortyl, Magdalena Jankowska, Paweł Niezgoda
Silver medal at International Warsaw Invention Show (IWIS 2021), 27.10.2021, Warsaw, for the invention titled “Fiber-reinforced 2D composites obtained by photopolymerization – a way to create carbon-fiber and glass fiber composites for engineering applications”
Authors: Joanna Ortyl, Wiktoria Tomal, Dominika Krok
Gold medal at International Warsaw Invention Show (IWIS 2021), 27.10.2021, Warsaw, for the invention titled “Bio-renowable epoxidized photocurable resins for 3D printing applications”
Authors: Katarzyna Starzak, Magdalena Jankowska, Dominika Krok, Joanna Ortyl
Gold medal at International Warsaw Invention Show (IWIS 2021), 27.10.2021, Warsaw, for the invention titled “Photocurable resins for additive manufacturing od carbon nanotube composites using 3D-VAT printing technology”
Authors: Joanna Ortyl, Wiktoria Tomal, Paweł Fiedor
Gold medal at Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition, 10.09.2021, Korea, for the invention titled “Fiber-reinforced 2D composites obtained by photopolymerization processes using new developed two component initiating systems”
Authors: Dominika Krok, Wiktoria Tomal, Joanna Ortyl
Silver medal at Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition, 10.09.2021, Korea, for the invention titled “The New Photocatalytic Initiators for thr Visible Light Photopolymerization Processes of Cationic, Free-Radical and Hybrid-Photopolymerization”
Authors: Paweł Niezgoda, Joanna Ortyl, Patrycja Środa, Magdalena Jankowska
Silver medal at Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition, 10.09.2021, Korea, for the invention titled “Fluorescent Sensors for the Detection of Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Media fluorescence imaging”
Authors: Joanna Ortyl, Katarzyna Starzak, Paweł Niezgoda, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Patryk Szymaszek, Paweł Fiedor, Wiktor Kasprzyk, Tomasz Świergosz, Paulina Koczurkiewicz, Mariusz Galek
Gold medal at XVI Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2021, 15.06.2021 – 16.06.2021 for the invention titled “Photocurable polymer resins for the fabrication of polymer nanocomposites using 3D-VAT printing technology”
Authors: J. Ortyl; W. Tomal, P. Fiedor; D. Krok, M. Jankowska
Gold medal at XVI Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2021, 15.06.2021 – 16.06.2021 for the invention titled “Novel initiating systems absorbing in the visible light range for obtaining new generation, completely safe dental composites”
Authors: M. Topa; J. Ortyl; M. Galek
Gold medal at Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition, 29.10.2020, Korea, for the invention titled “Novel high-performance non-covalent fluorescent sensors for the detection of biomacromolecules in medical diagnosis”
Authors: J. Ortyl; M. Topa, A. Skrzypek, P. Szymaszek; W. Kasprzyk; T. Świergosz; P. Środa; D. Krok; M. Galek; F. Petko; M. Jankowska
Gold medal at PRO INVENT Salonul International Al Cercetarii Stiintifice, Inovarii Si Inventicii, 18.11.2020-20.11.2020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania for the invention “An Ultrasensitive Fluorescence Sensors for the Rapid and Selective Detection of Heavy Metal Ions in Drinking”
Authors: J. Ortyl; M. Topa; A. Chachaj-Brekiesz, P. Środa; P. Szymaszek; W. Kasprzyk; T. Świergosz; D. Krok; M. Jankowska; F. Petko; K. Dzięciołowska; M. Zdebski; P. Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk
Gold medal at PRO INVENT Salonul International Al Cercetarii Stiintifice, Inovarii Si Inventicii, 18.11.2020-20.11.2020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania for the invention “Fast-Responsive and Highly Sensitive Molecular Fluorescent Markers for Imaging of Structure in Live-Cell Dynamics and Structure at the Single-Molecule Level”
Authors: J. Ortyl; M. Topa; A. Chachaj-Brekiesz, P. Środa; P. Szymaszek; W. Kasprzyk; T. Świergosz; D. Krok; M. Jankowska; F. Petko; K. Dzięciołowska; M. Zdebski; P. Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk
Gold medal at PRO INVENT Salonul International Al Cercetarii Stiintifice, Inovarii Si Inventicii, 18.11.2020-20.11.2020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania for the invention “Discovering of New Capabilities of Obtaining Photocyrable CNTs Nanocomposites – Synthesis of Initiating Systems, Examination of Kinetic of Photopolymerization ans Manufacturing of Nanocomposites in Bulk via 3D Printing”
Authors: J. Ortyl; W. Tomal; A Chachaj-Brekiesz; M. Galek
Diploma for high profile awards na 13. Międzynarodowe Targi Wynalazków I Innowacji INTARG 2020 Online, June 2020 Warsaw (Ministerstwo Nauki I Szkolnictwa Wyższego, za projekt “Wysoce selektywne I czułe sensory fluorescencyjne stanowiące pochodne 2-amino-4,6-difenylo-pirydyno-3-karbonitrylu dedykowane do wizualizacji struktur subkomórkowych.”
Silver medal at Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition, 29.10.2020, Korea, for the invention titled “Moving towards non-toxic, completely safe light-cured dental materials: novel effective photoinitiators for the production of dental fillings”
Authors: M. Topa; J. Ortyl; M. Galek
Silver medal at Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition, 29.10.2020, Korea, for the invention titled “Beneficial Stilbene Derivatives – from Synthesis of New Photosensitizers to the Production of 3D printouts, Photocurable Nanocomposites in Bulk and Fibre – reinforced Composites”
Authors: J. Ortyl; W. Tomal; D. Krok; A. Chachaj-Brekiesz
Silver medal at Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition, 29.10.2020, Korea, for the invention titled “Dual Colorimetric and Fluorescent Sensors Based on Terphenyl Skeleton for rapid detection of Cure Degree of Photodurable Coatings”
Authors: J. Ortyl; E. Hola; A. Gruchała; M. Galek
Diploma for high profile awards na PRO INVENT Salonul International Al Cercetarii Stiintifice, Inovarii Si Inventicii, 18.11.2020-20.11.2020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania for the invention “Surface Pressure Mapping of Objects by Optical Imaging of Luminescent Coating”
Authors: M. Pilch; J. Ortyl; M. Galek; R. Popielarz
Gold medal at Internationa Warsaw Invention Show, 21.10.2020, Warsaw, for the invention “Photo-catalyst Systems Based on Biphenyl Derivatives for Rapid Prototyping Technology Using Vat Polymerization”
Authors W. Tomal; J. Ortyl; A. Chachaj-Brekiesz
Silver medal at Internationa Warsaw Invention Show, 21.10.2020, Warsaw, for the invention “The Combination of Luminescent Molecular Sensor Technology and 3D Printing in the Production of Innovative Moleculra Sensors Sensitive to Changes in Analyze in Environmental Research”
Authors: J. Ortyl; P. Fiedor; P. Szymaszek; A. Chachaj-Brekiesz
Silver medal at Internationa Warsaw Invention Show, 21.10.2020, Warsaw, for the invention “Visible-light Organic Photoinitiating Catalysts for Polymerization Under Low Light Intensity”
Authors: M. Jankowska; J. Ortyl; A. Chachaj-Brekiesz; M. Galek; M. Pilch
Bronze medal at Internationa Warsaw Invention Show, 21.10.2020, Warsaw, for the invention “Development of New Photoinitating Systems Based on Stilbene Derivatives For Photopolymers Resins for 3D Printing and Photocured Polymer Composites”
Authors: J. Ortyl; W. Tomal; D. Krok; A. Chachaj-Brekiesz
Silver medal at Internationa Warsaw Invention Show, 21.10.2020, Warsaw, for the invention “An Apparatus for the Sensing and Mapping the Pressure Using Pressure Sensitive Paints (PSP) Based on Luminescence Molecular Sensors”
Authors: J. Ortyl; M. Pilch; M. Galek; R. Popielarz
Honorable mention na PRO INVENT Salonul International Al Cercetarii Stiintifice, Inovarii Si Inventicii, 18.11.2020-20.11.2020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania for the invention “New highly efficient visible light photoinitiators for photo-curable polymer-based materials in coating printing industry and additive manufacturing technologies”
Authors: Joanna Ortyl, Emilia Hola, Wiktoria Tomal, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Maciej Pilch, Dominika Krok, Magdalena Jankowska, Alicja Gruchała
Gold Medal of Chemistry 2020 from Instytut Chemii Fizycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 17.11.2020, Warsaw– Final of the competition for the best bachelor’s / engineer’s thesis done in the academic year 2019/2020.
Honorable mention at PRO INVENT Salonul International Al Cercetarii Stiintifice, Inovarii Si Inventicii, 18.11.2020-20.11.2020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania for the invention “3D Printing of the Innovative Fluorescent Sensors Sensitive to Changes in Analyte by the Encapsulation in the Matrix of Photosetting Polymer Resin”
Authors: P. Fiedor; P. Szymaszek; J. Ortyl; M. Galek; A. Chachaj-Brekiesz
Gold medal at EUROINVENT 2020 ONLINE – European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, 23.05.2020 Iasi, Romania, for the invention “Fast-Responsive and Highly Sensitive Molecular Fluorescent Markers for Imaging of Structure in Live-Cell Dynamics and Structure at the Single-Molecule Level”
Authors: Joanna Ortyl, Monika Topa, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Karolina Dzięciołowska, Patryk Szymaszek, Wiktor Kasprzyk, Tomasz Świergosz, Dominika Krok, Magdalena Jankowska, Filip Petko, Patrycja Środa, Mariusz Galek
Gold medal at EUROINVENT 2020 ONLINE – European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, 23.05.2020 Iasi, Romania, for the invention “An Ultrasensitive Fluorescence Sensors for the Rapid and Selective Detection of Heavy Metal Ions in Drinking”
Authors: Joanna Ortyl, Monika Topa, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Patrycja Środa, Patryk Szymaszek, Wiktor Kasprzyk, Tomasz Świergosz, Dominika Krok, Magdalena Jankowska, Filip Petko, Karolina Dzięciołowska, Mariusz Galek
Silver medal at EUROINVENT 2020 ONLINE – European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, 23.05.2020 Iasi, Romania, for the invention “New highly efficient visible light photoinitiators for photo-curable polymer-based materials in coating printing industry and additive manufacturing technologies”
Authors: Joanna Ortyl, Emilia Hola, Wiktoria Tomal, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Maciej Pilch, Dominika Krok, Magdalena Jankowska, Alicja Gruchała
Bronze medal at Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition. 29.10.2020, Korea, for the invention titled “3D Printing of Photocurable Multiwalled Carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) Fluorescent Composites from the development of suitable initiating systems based on biophenyl derivatives to a detailed analysis of the kinetics of the process of creating photosensitive nanocomposites.”
Authors: M. Topa; J. Ortyl; M. Galek
Gold medal at ICAN – International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada, 29.08.2020 – 22, Canada, Toronto, for the invention titled: „ Additive manufacturing of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes composites via 3D-VAT printing technologies – analysis of the kinetics of the photo-curing proces and the influence of nanotube content”
Authors: W. Tomal; J. Ortyl
Gold medal at ICAN – International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada, 29.08.2020 – 22, Canada, Toronto, for the invention titled: „Beneficial biphenyl and terphenyl derivatives-from the synthesis of novel photosensibilizers to the production of photo-curable graphic products, including 1D, 2D, and 3D prints, using safe UV-A and visible light sources.”
Authors: Wiktoria Tomal, Joanna Ortyl, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Emilia Hola, Maciej Pilch, Dominika Krok, Magdalena Jankowska, Alicja Gruchała, Monika Topa, Paweł Fiedor
Diamond Award at ICAN – International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada, 29.08.2020 – 22, Canada, Toronto, for the invention titled: „Novel effective initiating systems absorbing in the visible light range for obtaining new generation, completely safe dental composites”
Authors: Monika Topa, Joanna Ortyl, Mariusz Galek
International distinction at Emerging investigators 2020 awarded by the Scientific Council RSC Polymer Chemistry Society – published in 2020 Polymer Chemistry DOI: 10.1039/c9py90185j
Silver medal at IPITEx International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition, Date: 2-6.02.2020; title of the awarded invention: „Development of New High-Performance Biphenyl and Terphenyl Derivatives as Versatile Photoredox Photoinitiating System and Their Applications in Polymer Coating Industry”
Authors: Joanna Ortyl, Emilia Hola, Wiktoria Tomal, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Maciej Pilch, Dominika Krok, Magdalena Jankowska, Alicja Gruchała
Silver medal at International Warsaw Invention Show IWIS, 14.10.2019 – 16.10.2019, POLAND, Warsaw, Politechnika Warszawska, for the invention titled „New High-Performance Fluorescent Dyes For Visualizing Cell Structures Using Fluorescence Or Confocal Microscopy”
Diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education granted for inventive achievements for the Cracow University of Technology WIiTCH obtained in 2018 for the invention project by J. Ortyl titled „Nowe systemy fotoinicjujące dedykowane do otrzymywania powłok polimerowych na drodze fotopoliemryzacji aktionowej, wolnorodnikowej i hybrydowej realizowane w świetle UV-A oraz widzialnym przy użyciu żródeł światła Typu LED”
Date obtained : 06-2019, awarded by the Minister of Science and Higher Education
Bronze medal at Międzynarodowych Targach Innowacji Gospodarczych i Naukowych INTARG 04-05.06.2019, Katowice, Poland, for the invention „Wysoce Selektywne i czułe sensory fluorescencyjne stanowiące pochodne 2-amino-4,6-difenylo-pirydyno-3-karbonitrylu dedykowane do wizualizacji struktur subkomórkowych”; Organizator: Eurobusiness-Haller
Silver medal at wystawie wynalazków PRO INVENT – INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF RESEARCH, INNOVATIONS AND INVENTIONS, 19.03.2019, Romania, Cluj-Napoca, for the invention titled: Imagining of structure in living cells using derivatives of 4,6-diphenyl-pyridine-3-carbonitrile in the role highly selective and sensitive molecular fluorescent chemosensors”
Bronze medal at International Trade Fair of Economic and Scientific Innovation INTARG, 05.06.2019, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled: Highly selective and sensitive molecular fluorescent probes based on derivatives of 2-amino-4,6-diphenyl-pyridine-3-carbonitrile for imaging in living cells”
Prize of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for Joanna Ortyl as creators of inventions awarded at international invention exhibitions and fairs during Międzynarodowe Targi Innowacji Gospodarczych i Naukowych INTARG, for „Nowatorskie fotochemiczne układy inicjujące do procesów kationowej, wolnorodnikowej i hybrydowej fotopolimeryzacji powłok w świetle UV-A i widzialnym za pomocą diod UV-LED i Vis- LED”, 04-05.06.2019, Katowice, Poland.
Diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded for inventive achievements of the Cracow University of Technology WIiTCH obtained in 2018 for Joanna Ortyl’s innovative project titled: “New photoinitiating systems dedicated to obtaining polymer coatings by cationic, free radical and hybrid photopolymerization realized in UV-A and visible light with the use of LED type light sources”, data uzyskania: 06.2019
Individual award of the Rector of Cracow University of Technology For Joanna Ortyl for outstanding academic achievement in 2018.
Bronze medal at Seoul International Invention Fair, 06-09.12.2018, for the invention titled: “New Fluorescent Probes / Monitoring and Acceleration of Cationic, Free-Radical and Thiol-ene Photopolymerization Processes under UV-LEDs and Vis-LED Sources of Light”
Silver medal at Arca 2018 – 16th International Innovation Exhibition, 18-20.11.2018, for the invention titled: “Novel photochemical initiating systems for cationic, free-radicals and hybrid photopolymerization processes of coatings under the light”
Gold medal at iENA – International Trade Fair “Ideas – Inventions – New Products Norynberg, Germany, 01-04.11.2018, for the invention titled: „Novel photochemical initiating systems for cationic, free-radical and hybrid photopolymerization processes of coatings under near-UV and visible light using led sources of light”
Gold medal at International Exhibition of Inventions IWIS 2018 Warsaw, Poland, 15-17.10.2018, for the invention titled: „Novel photochemical initiating systems for cationic, free-radical and hybrid photopolymerization processes of coatings under near-UV and visible light using led sources of light”.
Silver medal at INOVA CROATIA International Fair of Inventions, Zagreb, Croatia, 14-17.10.2018, for the invention titled: „Versatile photochemical initiating systems for cationic, free-radical and thiol-en photopolymerization operating at near UV and visible wavelengths and under low light intensity sources”
Diploma for his involvement in the work of the Scientific Circle of Chemists of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of Cracow University of Technology
Gold medal at Silicon Valley International Invention Festival 2018 in Korea, 02-04.06.2018, for the invention titled: „New Photoinitiating Systems for Processes of Cationic, Free-radical and Hybrid Photopolymerization under UV and Visible Light”
Diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded for inventive achievements of the Cracow University of Technology WIiTCH obtained in 2018 for Joanna Ortyl’s innovative project titled: „Nowe wysokowydajne fotoluminescencyjne sensory molekularne oparte na o kompleksy lantanowców do zastosowań w badaniach materiałów powłokowych oraz monitorowaniu procesów polimeryzacji”, 03.2018
Special Prize International Invention and Design Competition and exhibition, 06-08.12.2017, Hong-Kong, China, for the invention titled: „New highly efficient photoluminescent molecular sensors based on lanthanide complexes for monitoring of polymerization processes and for highly sensitive detection of the properties of polymer coatings”
Silver medal at International Invention and Design Competition and exhibition, 06-08.12.2017, Hong-Kong, China, for the invention titled: „New highly efficient photoluminescent molecular sensors based on lanthanide complexes for monitoring of polymerization processes and for highly sensitive detection of the properties of polymer coatings”
Gold medal at International Fair “Ideas Inventions New Products” IENA in Nuremberg, 02-05.11.2017, for the invention titled: “New highly efficient photoluminescent molecular sensors based on lanthanide complexes for monitoring of polymerization processes and for highly sensitive detection of the properties of polymer coatings”.
Gold medal at International Warsaw Invention Show, 09-11.10.2017, for the invention titled: “New highly efficient photoluminescent molecular sensors based on lanthanide complexes for monitoring of polymerization processes and for highly sensitive detection of the properties of polymer coatings”.
Gold medal at INDIA INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION FAIR IIIF, Bangalore (India), 09-11.09.2017, for the invention titled: „New highly efficient photoluminescent molecular sensors based on lanthanide complexes for monitoring of polymerization processes and for highly sensitive detection of the properties of polymer coatings”
Honorary Medal of the Jury TAIPEI INT’L INVENTION SHOW & TECHNOMART (TAIPEI INST), 9-11.08.2017, Taiwan, for the invention titled: „New highly efficient photoluminescent molecular sensors based on lanthanide complexes and for highly sensitive detection of the properties of polymer coatings”
Special Innovation Award IIA International Innovation Fair, 28-30.09.2017, Visakhapatnam, India, for the invention titled: „New highly efficient photoluminescent molecular sensors based on lanthanide complexes for monitoring of polymerization processes and for highly sensitive detection of the properties of polymer coatings”.
Silver medal at 9th edition of the European Creativity and Innovation Exhibition EUROINVENT 2017, 25-27.05.2017, for the invention titled: “New highly luminescent europium (III), terbium (III) and samarium (III) complexes and their use for the role of organic-inorganic luminescent molecular chemosensors for monitoring of polymerization processes and monitoring of the properties of polymer coatings and films”
Gold medal at International Exhibition of Technical Innovations, Patents and Inventions “INVENT ARENA 2016”, 16-17.06.2016, Třinec (Czech Republic), for the invention titled: „Novel quatraphenyle based photoinitiators operating under UV and blue LEDs andusable for various polymerization reactions”
Silver medal at 27th International Exhibition of Inventions “ITEX 2016”, 12-14.05.2016, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), for the invention titled: „Nowe fotoinicjatory oparte o quatrafenylowe molekuły pracujące pod wpływem promieniowania UV oraz światła widzialnego dedykowane do procesów fotoinicjowanej polimeryzacji”
TOP 500 INNOVATORS Prize awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding scientific achievements and implementation potential of a business idea.
Honorable mention EuroInvent-2015 Inventions Exhibition, 2015, for the invention titled: „The New Photosensitizers for the Photopolymerization Processes and New Photoinitiating Systems”
Gold medal at International Exhibition of Inventions ARCA 2015, 15-18.10.2015, Zagreb, Croatia, for the invention titled: „Nowe Fotosensybilizatory na Bazie Szkieletu (E)-Stilbenowego do Procesów Fotoinicjowanej Polimeryzacji oraz Nowe Systemy Fotoinicjujące Procesy Fotopolimeryzacji Kationowej, Rodnikowej oraz Hybrydowej”
Gold medal at International Exhibition of Inventions IWIS 2015, 12-14.10.2015, Warsaw, Poland, for the invention titled: „The new photosensitizers based on (E)-stilbene and terphenyle skeleton for the photopolymerization processes and new photinitiating system for processes of cationic, free-radical and hybrid photopolymerization”
Silver medal at International Exhibition of Inventions INST 2015 Taipei International Invention Show, 12-14.10.2015, Taipei, Taiwan, for the invention titled: „Nowe Fotosensybilizatory na Bazie Szkieletu (E)-Stilbenowego do Procesów Fotoinicjowanej Polimeryzacji oraz Nowe Systemy Fotoinicjujące Procesy Fotopolimeryzacji Kationowej, Rodnikowej oraz Hybrydowej”
Główna nagroda w pierwszym konkursie IMPULS, Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej promującej badania aplikacyjne, 27.07.2015
Silver medal at Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition, 15-18.05.2015, Seoul, Korea, for the invention titled: „The New Photosensitizers for the Photopolymerization Processes and New Photoinitiating Systems for Processes Cationic, Free-radical and Hybrid Photopolymerization”
Gold medal at EUROINVENT – European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, 14-16.05.2015, Seoul, Korea, for the invention titled: „The New Photosensitizers for the Photopolymerization Processes and New Photoinitiating Systems for Processes Cationic, Free-radical and Hybrid Photopolymerization”
Best Practice Award at 43rd International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva exhibition, 5-19.04.2015, Switzerland, for the invention titled: „The new photosensitizers for the photopolymerization processes and new photoinitiating systems for processes of cationic, free-radical and hybrid photopolymerization”
Silver medal and Special Prize at IRAN at Geneva Inventions – 44 Exhibition of the International des Inventions de Genève 2015, Geneva, Switzerland, 13-17.04.2015, Switzerland, for the invention titled: „The New Photosensitizers for the Photopolymerization Processes and New Photoinitiating Systems for Processes Cationic, Free-radical and Hybrid Photopolymerization”
Silver medal at XV International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies ARCHIMEDES, 02-05.04.2015, Moscow, for the invention titled: „Nowe Fotosensybilizatory do Procesów Fotoinicjowanej Polimeryzacji oraz Nowe Systemy Fotoinicjujące Procesy Fotopolimeryzacji Kationowej, Rodnikowej oraz Hybrydowej”
Diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded for inventive achievements of the Cracow University of Technology WIiTCH obtained in 2018 for Joanna Ortyl’s innovative project entitled: „Wysokowydajne bimolekularne systemy fotoinicjujące oparte o innowacyjne molekuły akcelerujące, rozwiązanie dedykowane do procesów fotopolimeryzacji w przemyśle powłok polimerowych”, 17.02.2015
Diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded for inventive achievements of the Cracow University of Technology WIiTCH obtained in 2018 for Joanna Ortyl’s innovative project titled: „Nowe fotoinicjatory oparte o quatrafenylowe molekuły pracujące pod wpływem promieniowania UV oraz światła widzialnego dedykowane do procesów fotoinicjowanej polimeryzacji”, 03.2015
Special Prize at IRAN in International Trade Fair ideas- Invention – New Products iENA, 02.11.2014, Nuremberg, Germany, for the invention titled: „ High-performance Bi-Molecular Photoinitiating Systems Based on Innovative Accelerating Molecules – a solution dedicated to photopolymerization processes in the polymer coating industry”
Bronze medal at 113th International Exhibition of Invention “Concours Lépine” – Concours Lépine International, 16.10.2014, Nuremberg, Germany, for the invention titled: „ High-performance Bi-Molecular Photoinitiating Systems Based on Innovative Accelerating Molecules – a solution dedicated to photopolymerization processes in the polymer coating industry”
Złoty medal z wyróżnieniem at IWIS 2014 International Warsaw Invention Show, International Warsaw Exhibition of Inventions IWIS, 14-16.10.2014, Warsaw, Poland
Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding academic achievement for the 3-year period 2014-2017.
Gold medal at INST – Taipei – Internatianai Invention Show & Technamart, 20.09.2014, Taipei, Taiwan, for the invention titled: „ High-performance Bi-Molecular Photoinitiating Systems Based on Innovative Accelerating Molecules – a solution dedicated to photopolymerization processes in the polymer coating industry”
Special Prize INST 7th Korea International ‘Women’s Invention Exposition (KIWIE), 22.05.2014, Seoul, Korea, for the invention titled: „ High-performance Bi-Molecular Photoinitiating Systems Based on Innovative Accelerating Molecules – a solution dedicated to photopolymerization processes in the polymer coating industry”
Gold medal at INST 7th Korea International ‘Women’s Invention Exposition (KIWIE), 22.05.2014, Seoul, Korea, for the invention titled: „ High-performance Bi-Molecular Photoinitiating Systems Based on Innovative Accelerating Molecules – a solution dedicated to photopolymerization processes in the polymer coating industry”
Gold medal at International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition ITEX 2014, 10.05.2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for the invention titled: „High-performance Bi-Molecular Photoinitiating Systems Based on Innovative Accelerating Molecules – a solution dedicated to photopolymerization processes in the polymer coating industry”
III place for the invention “Innowacyjne fotoinicjatory jodonowe do polimeryzacji monomerów kationowych” in the competition „Innowacja jest kobietą II” Edycja organized by Fundacja na Rzecz Kobiet w Nauce – Poland Sieć Naukowa Kobiet we współpracy z Agencją Promocyjną INVENTOR sp. z o.o.
Silver medal at International Invention, Geneva Inventions event – 43 Salon International des Inventions de Genève 2014, 04.04.2014, Geneva, Switzerland, for the invention titled: „Systeme bimoleculaire de photoinitiation base sur des molecules accólórantes”
Gold medal at International Invention, iENA – International Trade Fair “Ideas – Inventions – New Products, 02.11.2013, Norynberga, Germany, for the invention titled: „Innovative photoinitiators for cationic photopolymerization of monomers”
II miejsce in the competition Najbardziej Innowacyjne Rozwiązanie Konferencji Polimerowej Pomerania Plast 2013, for project titled: “Materiały powłokowe sieciowane wysokoefektywnymi fotoinicjatorami kationowymi z zastosowaniem techniki UV – LED. koncepcja badawcza projektu programu Lider”, 05.06.2013
Main Prize in the competition MŁODY NAUKOWIEC II – Kreator rzeczywistości gospodarczej, for the invention: „Wysokowydajne BiMolekularne Systemy Fotoinicjujące Oparte o Innowacyjne Molekuły Akcelerujące – Rozwiązanie Dedykowane do Procesów Fotopolimeryzacji”, 04.2013
Main Prize V edycji Darboven Idee Grant – competition for enterprising women for an innovative business idea. The originator of the project and the sponsor of the main prize is Hans Albert Eugen Darboven. The organizer of the project in Poland is J.J. Darboven Poland Sp. z o.o. – Poland a company belonging to the international holding company of the Darboven family.
Diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded for inventive achievements of the Cracow University of Technology WIiTCH obtained in 2018 for Joanna Ortyl’s innovative project titled: Innowacyjne fotoinicjatory jodoniowe do polimeryzacji kationowej monomerów”, 02.2013
Young Scientist Scholarship as part of the project “Politechnika XXI wieku – program rozwoju Politechniki Krakowskiej – najwyższej jakości dydaktyka dla przyszłych polskich inżynierów realizowanego w ramach umowy nr UDA-POKL.04.01.01-00-029 / 10-00, NCBIR;”
Gold medal with honors at VI International Warsaw Inventions Exhibition, IWIS-2012, 16-19.10.2012, Warsaw, Poland, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Silver medal at International Invention, International Exhibition of Inventions “2012 Taipei Int’l Invention Show & Technomart”, 20-23.09.2012, Taipei in Taiwan, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Gold medal at International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time”, 11.05.2012, Taipei in Taiwan, for the inventions titled: 1) “New iodonium salts, their production process and use, and a new starting material for the manufacture of new iodonium salts, its production process and use”, 2) “New iodonium trifluoromethanesulfonates, their production process and use”
Presidential Medal of the Association of French Inventors and Manufacturers AIFF – President of the Fair Concours Lepine na 111. Międzynarodowych Targach Wynalazczości “CONCOURS LÉPINE” – Paris, France, 27.04.-08.05.2012, for the invention: “New iodonium photoinitiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Bronze medal at International Invention, Korean International Exhibition “Women Inventors KIWIE 2012”, 03-06.05.2012, Seul, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Special Prize: Best Female Inventor at 40th International Geneva Inventions Exhibition, 21.04.2012, Geneva, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Gold medal at 40th International Geneva Inventions Exhibition, 21.04.2012, Geneva, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Silver medal at XV International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies Archimedes, 20-23.03.2012, Moscow, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Main Prize in the National Student Competition – Inventor 2011/2012 organized by Kielce University of Technology as part of the project “Systemowe wsparcie wynalazczości studentów” – program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education “Kreator innowacyjności – wsparcie innowacyjnej przedsiębiorczości akademickiej”, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Award of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for Joanna Ortyl as a creator of inventions awarded on international exhibitions and innovation fairs.
Honorable mention at International Fair of Chemical Industry EXPOCHEM, 29.02.2012, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Gold medal at at Belgian and International Trade Fair for Technological Innovation, 19.11.2011, Brussels, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Silver medal at at 5th Warsaw International Exhibition of Inventions IWIS-2011, 03-05.11.2011, Warsaw, Poland, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Gold medal at at INTARG International Fair of Economic and Scientific Innovations, 2011, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Lider innowacji 2011 at International Fair of Economic and Scientific Innovations INTARG, 15.04.2011, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers
Gold medal at at INTARG International Fair of Economic and Scientific Innovations, 2011, Katowice, Poland, for the invention titled: “New iodonium initiators for the polymerization of cationic monomers”
Main Prize in the competition MŁODY NAUKOWIEC II – Kreator Rzeczywistości Gospodarczej
The competition concerned the results of scientific and research work that have the greatest potential for implementation and commercialization potential. The competition is financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the program “Kreator innowacyjności. Wsparcie innowacyjnej przedsiębiorczości akademickiej”
Scientific Scholarship of the City of Cracow
Scholarship for particularly talented participants of doctoral studies at Cracow’s universities and other scientific and research institutions, 2010.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Medal in the World Competition for Chemical Inventions organized by the Association of Polish Inventors and Rationalizers and the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations IFIA, for the invention titled: Nowe inicjatory jodonowe do polimeryzacji monomerów kationowych