Project title: Synthesis of bimolecular cationic photoinitiators and mechanistic aspects of the study of photogeneration strong proton acids with synergistic interaction in the processes of the onium salt and co-initiators or photo-sensibilities
Project number: UMO-2012/07/D/ST5/02300
Principal investigator: PhD Associate Professor Joanna Ortyl
Obtained funds: 499 125,00 PLN
Funding source: National Science Centre
Project duration:
Start day: 2013
End day: 2018
Short disctoption of the project:
This project's main objective was synthesising bimolecular cationic photoinitiators and investigating mechanistic aspects of the photogeneration of strong protic acids (PAGs). A novel approach to the subject was focused on determining the influence of kinetic and thermodynamic factors of the electron transfer or energy transfer process on the rate of photoinitiation of cationic polymerisations and the determination of mechanisms of action of the systems studied.
Project outcomes:
- 1.Photoinitiator-catalyst systems based on: Meta -terphenyl derivatives as photosensitisers of iodonium and thianthrenium salts for visible photopolymerization in 3D printing processes, Wiktoria Tomal, Maciej Pilch, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Mariusz Galek, Fabrice Morlet-Savary, Bernadette Graff, Céline Dietlin, Jacques Lalevée, Joanna Ortyl, Polymer Chemistry, 2020, 11(28), pp. 4604–4621
- 2.Applicability of samarium(III) complexes for the role of luminescent molecular sensors for monitoring the progress of photopolymerization processes and control of the thickness of - polymer coatings, Monika Topa, Joanna Ortyl, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Iwona Kamińska-Borek, Maciej Pilch, Roman Popielarz Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. 2018 Jun 15;199:430-440
- 3.Photopolymerization of Hybrid Monomers, Part I: Comparison of the Performance of Selected Photoinitiators In Cationic and Free-Radical Polymerization of Hybrid Monomers, Polymer Testing, Volume 64, Damian Nowak, Joanna Ortyl, Iwona Kamińska-Borek, Katarzyna Kukuła, Monika Topa, Roman Popielarz, December 2017, Pages 313-320
- 4.Meta-Terphenyl Derivative/Iodonium Salt/9H-Carbazole-9-ethanol Photoinitiating Systems for Free Radical Promoted Cationic Polymerization upon Visible Lights, Assi Al Mousawi, Céline Dietlin, Bernadette Graff, Fabrice Morlet-Savary, Joumana Toufaily, Tayssir Hamieh, Jean Pierre Fouassier, Anna Chachaj-Brekiesz, Joanna Ortyl, Jacques Lalevée, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 217(17), 1955–1965
- 5.Relative sensitization efficiency of fluorescent probes/sensitizers for monitoring and acceleration of cationic photopolymerization of monomers, Joanna Ortyl, Jarosław Wilamowski, Piotr Milart, Mariusz Galek, Roman Popielarz, Polymer Testing 48 (2015) 151-159
- 1.Ortyl, A. Chachaj, R. Popielarz, “High speed new bimolecular photoinitiator systems for cationic photopolymerization”, The European Symposium of Photopolymer Science (ESPS), 09-12.09.2014, Wiedeń, Austria. Poster
- 2.Ortyl, A. Chachaj, I. Kamińska, R. Popielarz, “Application of new naphthalene fluorescence probes for monitoring of photopolymerization processes by Fluorescence Spectroscopy”, 27th International Symposium on Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 16-18.06.2014, Les Diablerets, Switzerland. Poster.
- 3.Pudo A., Chachaj-Brekiesz A., Kamińska I., Ortyl J., „Badania przydatności pochodnych 1,3-(e)-distyrylobenzenu do roli sond spektroskopowych do monitorowania procesów fotopolimeryzacji” I Kongres Młodych Ludzi Nauki, 09 maja 2015, Kraków, Polska.
- 4.Kukuła, J. Ortyl, A. Chachaj-Brekiesz, I. Kamińska, „Badania spektroskopowe pochodnych 1-amino-4-metylo-6-arylo-naftaleno-2-karbonitryli do roli molekularnych sond fluorescencyjnych”
- 5.Kilklica, J. Ortyl, „Synteza oraz badania spektroskopowe niesymetrycznych pochodnych soli diarylojodoniowych”, VII Edycja Konferencji Młodych Naukowców nt.: Wpływ Młodych Naukowców na Osiągnięcia Polskiej Nauki, 06.12.2014, Kraków
- 6.Drużbicki, J. Ortyl, D. Chudoba, E. Mikuli, “Vibrational Spectroscopy of Selected Molecular Crystals Explored by First-Principles Computations”, 17th International Seminar Neutron Scattering Investigation in Condensed Matter, Faculty of Physics, 21-23.V.2014, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
- 7.Chudoba, K. Drużbicki, J. Ortyl, “Complementary Vibrational Spectroscopy Studies of Novel Iodonium Photoinitiators for Cationic Polymerization”, ICNS2013 – International Conference on Neutron Scattering, 8 – 12 VII 2013 r. Edinburg, Scotland. Poster