Project title: Silatranization - a new method for surface modification of silicate materials.
Principal investigator: Dr Myong Joon Oh
Obtained funds: 49 500 PLN
Project duration:
Start day: 2024-12-10
End day: 2025-12-10
Funding institution:
NCN – Polish National Science Centre
Short disctoption of the project:
The aim of this Miniatura project is to develop a facile protocol of silatranization, i.e. surface modification with siltrane coupling agents (SilCAs), dedicated to silicate minerals. Another mission is to verify higher surface quality in terms of density of accessible organic functional groups and surface regularity provided by SilCAs, in reference to conventional silane coupling agents (SCAs). Consequently, Siatrane-treated silicate fillers will potentially exhibit stronger chemical interaction with organic matrices, compared to silane-treated analogues.
Cracow University of Technology
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Laboratory of Photochemistry and Optical Spectroscopy
Warszawska 24
31-155 Cracow
Joanna Ortyl, Prof., Ph.D., DSc.
tel.: +48 (12) 628 31 36
Awarded for scientific and research activities that resulted in numerous publications, patents, utility models, invention projects and practical applications and industrial implementations, especially in the field of photochemistry – including photopolymerization processes in polymer systems and photochemical processes taking place in organic molecules. The award is a direct result of the TEAM TECH project co-financed by the Foundation for Polish Science.
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