Central European Institute of Technology

The Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) is the European Research Center for Life Science, Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology. CEITEC was founded by a group of Brno universities (Masaryk University, Brno University of Technology, Mendel University and University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno) and research institutes (Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine) and supported by both the South Moravian Region and the city of Brno. The multi-departmental nature of CEITEC and the extent to which the fields of life sciences and advanced materials and technologies are integrated make it the first research centre of its kind in the Czech Republic. The high-tech technologies at its disposal will facilitate synergistic study in the subjects of life and material sciences on all currently available levels of complexity, starting with individual atoms, through molecules, molecule groups and cells to whole organisms.

CEITEC Brno University of Technology is part of CEITEC’s “scientific centre of excellence”. Since 2016, it forms a key component of research infrastructure with facilities and conditions for both basic and applied research in advanced nanotechnology and microtechnology and advanced materials. There are two research areas at CEITEC BUT where a total of 12 research groups dealing with ceramic materials, cybernetics for material science, advanced polymer materials or smart nanodevices, experimental bio-photonics, preparation and characterization of nanostructures, development of methods of analysis and measurement, as well as characterization of materials and advanced coatings. Both research programs offer the possibility of PhD study. Research Infrastructure CEITEC Nano at the CEITEC BUT campus provides facilities, backgrounds, and methods for research and development of nanotechnologies and advanced materials. The research infrastructure is concentrated in shared laboratories – Nanostructure Preparation Laboratories (cleanliness class 100, area 356 m2), Nanostructure Characterization Laboratories (class 100 000, area 1 337 m2) and Structural Analysis Laboratories (class 100 000, area 300 m2)] These laboratories in a dust-free, high-purity environment offer complete processes for the preparation and characterization of nano-objects, up to sub-nanometer levels. The research infrastructure was brought into operation in 2016 and is one of the largest clean laboratory facilities in the Czech Republic.

Petr Lepcio, PhD – he has received his PhD in 2018 and is an expert on nanoparticle assembly in polymer solutions. He will characterize the morphology and dispersion of nanoparticles in liquid and solid samples, perform photo-rheological investigations and supervise the publication efforts of the Czech team.