START 2023 – Congratulations to our PhD student Monika Topa!
start 2023 15-05-23

START 2023 competition decided!
Congratulations to our PhD student Monika Topa from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tadeusz Kościuszko Cracow University of Technology 😍🤩🥳.
‘The START Programme of the Foundation for Polish Science is the oldest scholarship programme in Poland for the best young scientists representing all fields of science. Its aim is to support outstanding young scientists and encourage their further scientific development. Winners of the START programme in the 2023 edition will receive an annual scholarship of PLN 30,000. They can use it for any purpose.’


Congratulations to our PhD student Monika Topa, who is the winner of this year's START competition organised by the Foundation for Polish Science 🤩🥳😍.