3-day training course on light and confocal microscopy in Brno!

The end of the academic year is just around the corner, but we are not slowing down!🤩

Our first and third year PhD students Patrycja Środa and Patryk Szymaszek are currently in Brno, where they are participating in a 3-day training course on light and confocal microscopy.👩‍🏫 The training is organised and hosted by the Cellular Imaging Core Facility and takes place at the CEITEC facility of Masaryk University. 🏢

During the course, participants will learn the basics of image formation, basic principles and laws used in light microscopy, Abbe's resolution, basic components of a light microscope and how to properly acquire images using a widefield or confocal microscope.

The last part of the training will be dedicated to the basics of image processing and analysis, where PhD students will learn how to properly adjust and analyse their images using different software packages.🔬🔬