06.11.2023r. the dissertation defence of Wiktoria Tomal, M.Sc. on the topic: ‘Synthesis and research of new photoinitiators for biomedical applications’.

A new week and with it exciting new information 🤩.
The beginning of November and with it the start of the dissertation defence season. There is a new EngD in our team 🥳
EngD Wiktoria Tomal
❗️06.11.2023r. the dissertation defence of Wiktoria Tomal, M.Sc. on the topic: ‘Synthesis and research of new photoinitiators for biomedical applications’.
The entire Applied Photochemistry team extends huge congratulations and wishes you further success in the scientific field 👩‍🔬
P.S. The content, abstract and reviews of the paper have been posted on the PK Public Information Bulletin website https://bip.pk.edu.pl/index.php?ver=0&dok=4449