Kinetic monitoring

Modular Compact Rheometer MCR302e

Technical data of the device (from the manufacturer):

Bearing design: Air, fine-pored carbon
Motor design: Electronically Commutated (EC) - Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Displacement transducer design: High-resolution optical encoder
Normal force measurement design (US Pat. 6167752, 1996): 360 ° capacitive sensor, non-contacting, fully integrated in bearing
Active thermal management of bearing and normal force sensor: Yes
Working modes: Combined Motor Transducer (CMT)
Minimum torque (rotation): 1 nNm
Minimum torque (oscillation): 0.5 nNmMaximum torque: 230 mNm
Minimum angular deflection (set value): 0.05 µrad
Maximum angular deflection (set value): ∞ µrad
Minimum angular velocity: 0 rad/s
Maximum angular velocity: 314 rad/s
Maximum speed: 3000 1/min
Minimum angular frequency: 10 -7 rad/s
Maximum angular frequency: 628 rad/s
Maximum frequency: 100 Hz
Normal force range: -50 to 50 N


It allows to study the viscosity of various substances, and the change in viscosity of the composition under the influence of radiation.

Photo-DSC 204 F1 Phoenix®

Technical data of the device (from the manufacturer):

Temperature range: -100°C to 200°C with irradiation module;
Standard DSC measurements: -180°C to 700°C
Crucibles: open Aluminium
Automatic Sample Changer (ASC): up to 204 sample pans
Hg-Lamp types: OmniCure® S 2000
Max. Power: >10 W/cm2
Wavelength range: 320 nm to 500 nm
Irradiation time: 0.2 s to 1000 s
Life time (lamp): 2000 h
Software: Proteus® program


It allows for thermal and photochemical tests of hybrid monomers, adhesives, dental composites, food and cosmetics, etc.

FT-IR spectrometer

FT-IR spectrometer (Thermo Scientific ™ Nicolet ™) with a near infrared attachment, for the analysis of organic compounds, and with a horizontal adapter for kinetic measurements of photopolymerization processes with Real Time FT-IR software

Technical data of the device (from the manufacturer):

Detector Type: Fast recovery deuterated triglycine sulfate (DTGS); Liquid-nitrogen-cooled mercury cadmiu
Beam Splitter: KBr/Ge mid-infrared optimized; XT-KBr/Ge extended range mid-infrared
Laser: HeNe
Source Type: Mid-infrared Ever-Glo and Tungsten/halogen
Spectral Range: 7800 to 350 cm-1 optimized, mid-infrared KBr beamsplitter
Spectral Resolution: Better than 0.4 wavenumber
Additionally: an adapter to measure the kinetics of photopolymerization processes in real time

It allows for quick measurements of the kinetics of photopolymerization processes in real time and the analysis of functional groups of chemical compounds.